
Do you feel more like a man?

Loki 1


6 Years
04-09-2013, 11:27 AM
The ebony dame twined through the trees. This land was adorned with too much happiness, too much light, she felt it seer her soul. The black and twisted thing was unaccustomed to the light, but the dame strode with purpose, with decision in her paws. Silent and deadly, emerald eyes flickered about her surroundings, the very top of her nose twitching ever so slightly at the various smells that encased and encompassed her. She hated most everything, most everyone. prejudice was not something she maintained. She was a distasteful creature whose lies and falsities had governed her for far too long.

Nothing held her interest for long, nothing made her satisfied and Thor, the miserable bastard, he hoped he was rotting in the lowest layer of hell. He had left her. Nobody betrayed the trickster. He would not receive a loving welcome from his wife if ever he should show his sorry hide. Her lips coiled back over the whites of her teeth and she barred them for only a moment before her maw fell back to neutrality. Today however, she did not allow her thoughts to linger on such things. Bitter and cruel she may have been but she had taken care of her pups, had taught them what they needed to survive. Perhaps not the most loving or affectionate wolf, but she had not left them wanting... its not like Thor had been around to help her.

She had been wandering outside of Tortuga, when the scent, faint as it was, caught her nostrils . Curiosity or so it seemed, would forever be her downfall. She had set off without a word tracking the scent of one of the wolves that had sprung from her womb. Of course they would attend Valhalla, she had been a wolf under there banners for the vast majority of her life, the change had been quite recent, but she had no desire to take orders from a suckling. The long, drawn out howl, snapped the silence and she set off at a sprint. Thick ebony bodice propelling her forward. She burst from the trees like the snake she was and slowed her gait to a halt, a delicious smile coiling her mouth as she brushed up against her son.

"Fenrir... its been a long time love, where have you been my son?" She purred against his ear, emerald eyes gleaming with something sinister. Valhalla was unimportant for the moment, her full attention remained upon her son.