
Brother Mine



10 Years
Extra large
08-16-2015, 03:19 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2015, 03:20 PM by Áki.)
He'd met Valentine here. Maybe that was why he lingered here now. He'd been unusually interested in the man, impressed with both is physical strength and political power, awed at how different he was - and yet part of him felt like he was a kindred soul. Of course, he would never admit lingering here because of such a singular interest. Perhaps he might claim he felt the earth emitting a youthful aura; or maybe he'd claim he felt the silent song of the young trees, singing and celebrating the start of a new season. These things might be true, but the former was really why he'd come here again instead of seeking some new land to prowl.

The undeniable beauty of the land forced him to forget that he longed for the bitter chill of winter and the vast mountain peaks that his tribe considered their home. His crimson gaze was captured by the scenery, sweeping over the trees both big and small, marveling at how the buds had become lovely lavender blossoms. Even the sky seemed to recognize the beauty in this place, former clouds parting to reveal crisp blue skies and a blinding sun that cast its golden rays upon the earth. The giant was so engrossed in his wandering that he hardly caught scent of his sister who'd been stalking him, though it wasn't helpful that the wind was blowing opposite of him, bringing his scent straight to her and revealing his position easily.