
Red Rover, Red Rover, Send Sally On Over!



12 Years
Extra large
08-16-2015, 04:14 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Regulus wasn’t given long to wait. But the wolf who came gave him a start, and his tail gave a huge wag before he got himself under control again. He’s RED! I’m not the only wolf of my color around! The taunting tone of the stranger’s question sobered him somewhat, and he nodded silently. The male confirmed that he had come to fight, and the dance was on.

Regulus began moving at about the same time as his same colored opponent, tail and head flowing level with his spine, neck scrunching back into his shoulders as the shoulders rolled forward over the base and his scruff rolled up into a layer of thick protection, his hackles raising as an added buffer from the base of his skull, to the top of his fluffy tail. He screwed his face into a silent snarl, brow and jowls wrinkling as his eyes narrowed to deep sapphire slits. His ears pinned against his hackles, and his chin tucked slightly, guarding his throat. His abdomen tightened with contained excitement, hind legs powering his charge as his paws fell in a balanced spread, toes apart for added balance, and claws extended for better traction, while his elbows bent slightly for a lower, less shakeable center of gravity.

He sought to meet Vivek half way under a full head of steam, or most of it, and as the other male veered just slightly to his own left, so Regulus sought to veer to his own left; away from Vivek. Simultaneously, he ducked his head swiftly, jaws parting as he sought to snap them shut around Vivek’s right front foreleg, just above the bend. He wished to grasp it, and keep his forward momentum going to hopefully drag his slightly smaller opponent off balance and take him down by the leg. Above his head, Vivek’s teeth met nothing but air, while his right shoulder slammed forcefully into Regulus’ outer right shoulder, where pectoral met the hard, bony point of the shoulder. Bruising welled up, and Regulus could bet tonight’s dinner that it’d be severe by the time Zuriel was fretting over him. He kept trucking, however, seeking to throw the point of his right shoulder forward into Vivek’s throat, at the base where it melded with the center of the chest, hoping to drive the wind from Vivek’s lungs and stun him, or at the very least give him a coughing fit.

His right foreleg continued forward, snapping up as his other three legs took the weight, and he sought to hook his right front ankle around Vivek’s left foreleg at the bend and give it a yank towards himself, hoping to take that leg out from under his opponent and shake his center of balance and make him easier to topple. And the entire time, his mother’s and father’s tips, and those from his uncle Castiel and Cousin Alsander, and his grandmother rolled through his head.

He was having a blast already!

-:: Regulus vs Vivek for Spar ::-
Round 1/3




Extra Notes: You didn't list how many rounds, so I went with three, if that's okay <3 Goofy Reg's having fun with his new red buddy XD Oaf.