
Playing the Victim



04-09-2013, 12:10 PM

He seemed to like her touch, leaning into her when she had nuzzled his neck. Under normal circumstances, Loccian would not have done such a thing. She actually, was very unused to being touched in a way that wasn?t to harm her. The only times being when she was a pup, playing with Octavian and Pontifex, before everything went downhill for the young female. It had to be the hormones rushing through her body, forcing her to seek his touch, his company. Not entirely though, she really did enjoy his company if she wasn?t in such a mood. And as she pulled away, she wished she didn?t, wanting to stay in that spot longer.

It?s not her fault he tried to assure her, obviously forcing a smile that only caused her to look at him with uncertainty. He didn?t have to force it, if he wanted to express how he felt about it he could, she would not tell anyone or try to take advantage of him. She just wasn?t like that. He continued on, her ears perking up as he explained that he was just realizing how much he missed his children, and how it pained him. Even told her about one who had passed on not long after he was born, only a year. How terrible it must be, not seeing your children for awhile, especially after one dying. Loccian never had kids of her own, but she would have been devastated.

He said he had no mate. For some reason she felt relieved to know that he didn?t have one. She wasn?t sure why, Loccian wasn?t the jealous type. She never really thought about it when she saw other wolves together. Never had a mate before. She was pulled from these thoughts though when he explained to her that the last time he was in a pack was about two years ago. Going to to tell her he was definitely a warrior, though his age would cause him to be unsuitable for the position. I am sorry for your loss Bronze, it must have been terrible for you and your mate.... She finally spoke, dipping her head to him, ears swiveling to the side at the soundso f birds flying off.

A warrior is good, but I would have to agree with you. It may not be the best thing to continue doing because of your age... Perhaps you could assist me with herbs if you were to join? It was more so asking him then telling him, she didn't want to be rude and tell him no he couldn't be a warrior because he was too old, but was kind of asking to see if he would like to spend time with her and learn more about the plants in Seracia. Learn about what some plants can and can't do to heal a wolf. Also, Seracians don't really bother you too much. They kind of just keep to themselves, so you don't have to worry about them bothering you. And you just have to make sure you don't put the pack in danger, listen to King Gerhardt and Lady Adette. If you do that then your good. She explained a bit of Seracia, there wasn't much, just basic common sense things to keep in mind.

Loccian looked away from him, her gaze falling upon the darkening sky. Seems like we have talked more than we though, night will be coming in no time. She looked back at him with a smile. I hope you don't mind me resting here with you tonight. It would be disappointing to know he rather be alone, having to tract all the way back to Seracia by herself. Who knew what was lurking out there in the night.
