
Taking the Time [PACK MEETING]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-16-2015, 11:22 PM

She was concentrated on helping Cypress, and had cleaned up his face for the most part. One ear flicked when Arian told him to go to the den, and as he stood he turned and whispered a thank you to her. She picked herself up as she watched him leave, though remained seated where she was position. She listened quietly as Arian began, clearly she was not pleased. Avalon's ears lied flat as she glanced at the ground, she knew she fell into this category too. All the worrying about the pack doing nothing caused her to forget her own duties too, but then again, she was still trying to get used to actually being in a pack. Her fiery gaze fell towards those around her, wondering what they all thought. She wasn't sure what would happen now, though now part of her was questioning her place in the pack...and the sight of this new member made her uneasy. Her pelt prickled as she watched his gaze sweep over the small crowd, Arian's words barely an echo within her ears as she stared at him. There was...something wrong here. But she couldn't quite tell what. However, Avalon was starting to feel upset that Arian hadn't talked to her or Cypress about this new 'beta' character. Wasn't it the Cabinet's decision too? At least, that's what the position had promised...but evidently not.

Ears flattened as the alabaster man spoke. She didn't understand why Arian wanted them to respect someone they didn't know, let alone slipped into the pack and took a position like that with nobody knowing anything about him. He seemed threatening enough, and Avalon's fuse was shortening. As soon as Sin had finished, Avalon immediately turned to Arian, displeasure clear in her eyes and her voice. [color=#FFI6D3E]"Why were Cypress and I not consulted about this? We don't even know this man, but you place your faith on him because he reminds you of your uncle?"[/color] Her fur was beginning to bristle, the woman standing now as she faced her leader. "I don't know what to make of this, but I'm not happy about it. Cypress and I have our positions for a reason, and if our positions obviously have no say in any matter, then make decisions on your own." She glared at Sin, the man seemed to wear an amused look on his face as she felt her flesh burn with anger. "Maybe I was wrong about this place...about you." With anger burning in her eyes, she turned and stormed out of the meeting, and away from the ship for the time being.

-Exit Avalon-
"Talk" "You" Think


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