
Don't Make A Mistake



10 Years
08-17-2015, 10:12 AM

He was almost surprised that he had not given in to anger, or even to blind rage - as he was so used to using his fangs to settle matters that he disagreed with. And yet this was a different matter. Hypnos was not family, and yet he was fond of him in a sense; he had taught him of his gods and of his culture and to throw it all away was unwarranted, even if the boy did not agree with him. He knew the kind of world Hypnos was used to.. Alacritia was full of soft wolves that had been coddled since birth. He and Katja were different, and he would either accept the way they lived, or he would not.

He was almost surprised when Hypnos spoke up, and the brute would jerk around to face him again and halt his intent to leave. "No apology is needed," he would retort a bit sharply back at him. "Your children would not be slaves, if you happened to have them. They would be raised as wolves of Yfir and sons and daughters of Hypnos." They would take no possession over them like that, but they would be members of Yfir as they ought to be. "You know I would treat any such children as I have treated you. With loyalty and dedication, though I would expect just as much as them as I have from you, and as Katja does as well. They would be trained to be self-sufficient and take what the world owes to them, as I hope you are doing."  Personally, he had no interest in the kind of love that Hypnos spoke of - and yet if that was what he wanted, he had no qualms with it.

"I do suggest you put more effort into Yfir," he would warn him idly. "And though I do not care for your weak lover but if you have any hope of her joining, she must learn to be fearless as well. Not all wolves in Yfir must be the same as Katja and I but I do know that she is nowhere near ready to even consider a life here."

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.