
Gathering All The Pretties!

Finch I


4 Years

08-17-2015, 10:13 AM

Oh good oh good! The girl wanted to see her other pretties! Pretty much jumping around, she wanted to run off and show her right now, but waited until the rest of their words were shared. The darker girl seemed to like her a lot, she kept giving her little kisses that made Finch let out a tiny squeal. Easily the other picked up on her energy as well, bounding around Finch like a bunny. Giggling again, she reached out a paw and attempted to swat at her rump playfully, her smile growing on her maw. It was getting harder and harder to be shy around this one, now that she knew that she was interested in her collection. When Finch introduced herself, she was rewarded with the other's name as well, calling herself Lillie. Oh, very pretty! But that didn't matter, it was time to show off her things! On her paws and practically wiggling with excitement, the girl kicked off the ground and raced around to the side of the den. Looking over her shoulder to make sure that Lillie had followed her, she parted a large patch of grass that was hiding some of her things. This is where she kept all of the shells that she found by the lake, and that Daddy had brought her on his trips to other places. There were many different shape and sizes, but she had a favorite. Nosing very carefully through the pile she picked out a rather delicate, tiny pink shell. It was the very first that her father had brought her, and it was the one she liked best. Placing it on the very top of the pile she pointed to it proudly with a single paw. "Pretties!" She exclaimed again, before she pointed her nose at the tiny pink one. "M-my Da-daddy b-brought t-that h-h-home, is m-my f-favorite!" Finch said with a bark and a wiggle. There was more to show her too, always more! But she wanted to wait and see what Lillie had to say, and if she wanted to see them closer. But she had better be careful, these were very special to her! Pale blue eyes were on the other girl, intent and focused. There was still caution in her gaze though, a warning to be very, very careful with her collections. Finch had worked long and hard to collect the number of things that she kept hidden, and would be torn apart if one of them broke.
