



7 Years
08-17-2015, 02:04 PM (This post was last modified: 09-21-2015, 11:31 PM by Surreal.)
OKay! This is an adoption for two characters in the  Surreal Adravendi family! Sadly, Fawn has been MIA for a long time, and so, the characters Castiel, and Faite are going up for adoption.  Granted, I shall be very picky about who gets them, so here are a few small ground rules:

One: If you have adopted from me before, but have either left the site before and returned them to me, or set them inactive and I recalled them from you, I am not going to re-adopt to you again. Particularly if a second chance was given and you set them inactive again. Do not push, and do not pester or heckle me about this.

Two: I reserve the right to take back characters I have adopted out if no activity has been made IC with them in a full month of time. (I.E: Last post was made on June 1st, and it is now July 1st with no activity in between.) I will brook no arguments with this. Sometimes you have to be the bad cop. Believe me, I can check for activity in their recent posts. OOC posts will not count as activity in my eyes.

Three: I expect a post a week at least with characters I have adopted out to you. That is just one post per week, three per month. It’s not that hard to do. I want to see them active, regardless of how my own activity is going.

Four: No characters or their designs that I have adopted out may be used on other roleplay sites, and any art made for them, either by myself or anyone else, if any must remain on Alacritis/ Ardent unless I have given my express permission. If I find this rule has been ignored and broken, I will take the character back to adopt out to someone who will obey this simple rule. These designs are Alacritis/Ardent-Only. End of Story.

Five: Lastly, any applications posted as Works In Progress will be ignored if they have not been finished by the end of one real life week (Seven Days). This is final. If you do not feel that you will finish a WIP application within this time period, please, do not post an application in the first place. For those who do, and truly wish to apply, please remember to fill in all fields in the Application form.

Thank you!

*Smiles pleasantly.* Now that we are clear, lets meet them again:

Faite Ethereal Adravendi
Age Currently: One Year
Birth Season: Autumn
References: Faite Reference

Faite was still a puppy when she disappeared, but old enough to fend for herself. You’re tasked with the duty of decided what happened: how did she disappear, what all happened in her life, and is she stronger or weaker from her adventure. I would prefer, please, no fear of her parents or siblings. If possible, I would like her to remain on the smaller size. Like everyone in this family, she must be fluent in the Old Tongue (Irish Gaelic) as well as English. Whether she’s learned any new languages beyond that is up to the applicant.

Castiel now resides in Keno's arsenal.

Here's the application form.

[b]Name:[/b] who are you wishing to apply for?
[b]Alignment:[/b] Nothing below Neutral.
[b]Appearance Description:[/b] 200+ words of original, detailed description of the design, plus defining characteristics (new scars?)
[b]Personality Description:[/b] Again, 200+ words of original, detailed description. Any quirks?
[b]Plans:[/b] What do you plan to do with the character you want?