
Gathering All The Pretties!



7 Years

08-17-2015, 07:15 PM

A look of shock, then faux outrage crossed Lillie's face as she felt her butt smacked. Lillie scrunched up her face slightly, giving Finch just... a funny, silly, scrunched up face look. Why? Why not. Pain flared in her face, but... she didn't care. It hurt, yeah. Oh well. The red girl bounded forward to try and nip lightly and playfully at Finch's shoulder, followed by another lick all the way up the ear to elicit another squeal, fire dancing in her eyes. Oooh, she'd make the older girl pay. But first- collection!

Lillie danced after Finch, paws light and barely touching the ground as she did so. She felt so light; so free, so... happy? It was odd, feeling this sensation after the bitterness of the last several days. She felt privileged that Finch would share her collection with her, a broken girl, and as Finch parted the grass, she stopped beside the other wolf and peered down, smiling as Finch arranged the shells. They were oh so tiny, but they had really interesting patterns if she looked closely. Her approval of the collection was clear in the blur of her tail, in the impressed look she gave Finch. That tail sped up as Finch announced it was her favorite, and crouching carefully, she looked back at Finch to see if moving closer would be okay. She saw the warning, the slight fear that one would break, and she nodded before she poked her nose closer, looking down the length of her muzzle. She looked at all of them, noting that her favorites were probably quite similar to Finch's. She saw one that she loved - and withdrawing cautiously, she looked back up at Finch. "I love that pink one, your dad has great taste," she yipped joyfully, before carefully pointing out her other favorite. It was a swirly one, circle shaped and cone-ish, and was mostly white with some cream and brown swirls. "This one is my other favorite." She really had no reason why, only that it was very swirly and unique and kinda actually had Finch's colors. And it was a circle. A perfect circle. That made it cool automatically. She looked back up at Finch, a smile on her face as she tilted her head, seeking the girl's approval of her pick.


Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.