
New plotting thread



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ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
08-18-2015, 11:44 AM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2015, 10:42 PM by Nyx.)
Áki Jarvela 5 years old | male | single | rogue — profile | log

Áki is a tough, tribal, adventurous dude who loves his freedom and is down to meet anyone. He's pretty spiritual and comes from a pretty unique background. He will never join a pack and has no plans of settling down in one place, but he has a lot of love and friendship to give!  Feel free to throw anyone his way; he is always up for adventures and conversations, though keep in mind that he is polygamous so if you expect to woo him into a monogamous relationship you're likely barking up the wrong tree. I can imagine him falling in love many times over, so we could totally stir up some drama here!

Coming soon!

Ara Destruction 4 years old | female | taken | healer in Fiori — profile | log
Ara is my healer. She's married to Novel Destruction and together they have two sons. She is fairly reserved and keeps to herself, and he time is split between family and her studies. I'm open to her having friends to study with, collect herbs with, or even patients to help! She is to be returning to Fiori soon.

Epiphron Adravendi 6 years old | female | single | council member in Fiori — profile | log
Currently living in Fiori alongside a few of her children, Epiphron is the embodiment of everything queenly - she is steadfast and loyal, with a fair bit of confidence to boot. She's focused on keeping her family safe now and is a bit cynical in regards to anything else, especially relationships and things along this line. Not sure what I want to do with her yet but would be open for a relationship or fling, since she's got some free time since handing Fiori over to Leo.

Icarus Walker 3 years old | male | single | rogue— profile | log
Icarus Walker is, at the core, fearful and anxious. His fears can be subtle and little more than irritating, or they can manifest in complete hysteria and terror. His emotions often run high and he has difficulty containing them. Despite this, he is quite kind, and has plenty of love to give, when he is in the right mind to.

Kaprasíus Finnvi 7 years old | male | single | Karl in Yfir— profile | log
This is my fanatical Viking. He lives and breathes for his gods, of which there are plenty. He enjoys going along with life without much of a plan; and though he never trained as a fighter he knows fighting pleases his gods and he delves into everything, including battle, without fear or hesitation. He's also really into mind-altering substances. He can be very dangerous, creepy, and just plain weird so please keep his personality in mind when deciding to thread with him. He tends to write himself so I don't always know how he'll react to things until it happens. He'd be happy to mentor wolves in Yfir, recruit new members who are willing to listen to his teachings, terrorize some wolves, and.. whatever else!

Lark Destruction 2 years old | male | single | Mruni of Abaven — profile | log
Lark is one of the children of Bass and Wren. He's very loyal and dedicated to his family. Unlike his softer-spoken siblings, he is very abrasive and can seem rude, speaking very plainly and literally. His family, and Abaven, are the only things he truly cares about and he is dedicated to the art of fighting and wants to protect his family at all costs. Since he's a bit mouthy, so I could imagine he could piss someone off enough for them to consider him an enemy. He's also a fighter and a hunter, so always open for either of these threads. In terms of romance, he's likely to either be interested in someone very different from him.. or very similar.

Lysis Armada 2 years old | female | single | Praesidio in Imperium — profile | log
On the surface, Lysis is a sweet, graceful lady; though underneath her veneer she is much more cunning and maybe even a bit cruel. She is rather vain and certainly a pleasure-seeker; having learned from her father, she has little concept of loyalty save for that of family and her brother Kyarst holds most of her dedication. She's the type to lie for the fun of it, to see what she can get away with, and I can easily imagine her in multiple secret relationships just for kicks.

Seneca Zatol 2 years old | male | single | rogue — profile | log
This is my creepy, twisted character. Having been abused since birth, he has retracted into a child-like state; he becomes easily attached to those that show him attention and has a difficult time being introspective, speaking of himself and others in the third person. He is drawn to the obscene and the disturbing, whatever that might be.

Steel 2 years old | male | single | rogue — profile | log
Steel is conflicted to the core. Having lost his parents at a young age, he harbors deep cynicism and anger though it rarely manifests itself on the exterior. He prefers to be stony and cold, lonely but unwilling to reach out to anyone for help - he prefers to safety of solitude. Though, he has been traveling with Faria, and near the Diamachi as well.

Talon 4 years old | male | single | rogue — profile | log
Talon is currently living with the Diamachi after having joined them about a year ago. He is timid and often anxious, though he has nothing but good intentions. He was born without a hind left leg, though his deformity does not define him, and he is able to do mot things - only with a bit of extra effort. Despite having survived on his own, he is quite innocent and easily swayed once his trust is gained.

Védís 5 years old | female | single | rogue — profile | log
Védís Hróðvitnisdottir is a dutiful, detached sort of creature - she has a tough exterior that is often difficult to crack, especially in regards to men. She has a motherly streak that she is beginning to recognize, and has a newfound interest in healing as well. Currently she is wandering, and I'd like for her to meet up some other family members!