
Do you have what it takes? ; Healer Training



5 Years
08-18-2015, 12:32 PM

Lior wasn't nervous in the fact the it was the alpha that was present and going to scrutinize the lesson, it was the fact that she hardly knew much about healing. Treating scrapes and punctures was a fair skill she had picked up on when her brothers fought and wrestled, common sense and a muttered word about what she should do given by her father but as far as actual healing? No. Lior didn't know much. The application and ingestion of herbs was an almost unexplored field for the grey woman, a fact that was making her nervous. This was a lesson however, and she would do her best to watch and listen.

The orange she-wolf would gave instruction, simple and easy to follow. Lior breathed a sigh of relief, a simple examination. The brown male would give Voltage a once over and called out two locations were he'd found a scar on the ribs and neck. Lior gave a pause in thought, remembering all the scars from the men in her life, Nako and Bane, and told herself to simply look for the creases in the fur.

Eyes critical and alert she would stand over the side of Voltage, hesitating to speak even as her eyes swept over her alpha's pelt. A drawn out pause, timidly smiling to herself when she found the old wound on the back of his neck and the other on his paw. There was some nervousness before she spoke, the life of a rogue clearly offering different treatment options than if one had a pack's resources and teachings. "If the neck wound was fresh you'd wanna have the patient lay down and keep them conscious. Perhaps more immediately pinch the flesh together and apply pressure while making sure they can still breath. Matting the fur wouldn't hurt but I supposed water soaked moss with aloe oil would be a good follow up to cleanse the wound a few times a day. Any worse and you'd need more paws and a miracle." As for if the wounds had just been discovered Lior could only give an honest answer. "I dunno about long term stuff. Brothers liked their scars, everything just ended up knitting back together one way or the other."

Lior trailed off in thought, her rough and tumble male siblings all situated in the Fern Gulley a ways away, the marred pelt of her father. She distracted herself from her deceased sire, perhaps thinking a bit to hard about how to treat the paw. Gaze uncertain the grey female would eye the limb intently. Nothing much could be done about a sprain, and a broken bone would have to be set one way or the other with a sharp pull. "My brothers would rub some dirt on it, though I'd tell them to stay off of it for a few days." She looked up at Orchid sheepishly. Life of an uneducated rogue healer had it's benefits in bate bone emergencies. But for proper healing she would need to learn more. It was a fact she'd readily admit.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Evelyn

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]