
Unexplained Butterflies



8 Years
08-18-2015, 01:19 PM

The man would simply sit quietly as the girl spoke grateful words at the relief of Ebony not returning. Memories would race through Max's thoughts and he to would find himself a bit happy that Ebony was no more. It started out as a good place but only ended in disaster after having gone through four alphas only to return to the paws of the second. The alpha who would change everything, but not the alpha who had punished him for welcoming back a pack member. One who, as far as Maximous was concerned, had not become a loner until she chose to be one when Katja took over for the second time.

After a few minutes the girl's voice would break through his train of thought and Max would give her a nod. She may have thought it kind of him, but its just how he was raised. Sure his parents tried to teach him how to fight, but the man despised the thought of drawing blood and causing someone else pain. He was a healer, one who soothed pain not caused it. In the proses he simply found himself to be very protective of others. Especially those he cared for and saw as family.

Again the girl would speak and this time Max would once again look at her only to find that she had moved to his side. She had given him her name along with a compliment. No one had ever complimented him on his eyes before, well no one he ever really cared to listen to and his mother didn't count either. Another small smile would cross his lips just before he would begin talking again. "I am Maximous, and thank you. Your eyes are quite lovely as well." he would offer a compliment to her, just as she had to him.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)