
Do you have what it takes? ; Healer Training

Orchid I


5 Years
08-18-2015, 03:30 PM

She surveyed her new apprentices as they took in her words, beside her she swore she could hear some quite snickering, likely in response to her mock frowning at his lack of seeing a healer. She twitched a paw, subtly booting him in the side as she frowned at the misbehaving Alpha. Her eyes where dancing as she did so, and it was clear all actions where made only in jest. Terrae went first, and she listened carefully. His line of thought would deffer slightly from her own in the herbs he would apply but she nodded, satisfied he was getting the idea, and most definitely everything he described was the foundation of healing, the basic necessity of healer knowledge, but also seeing how she could improve on his current knowledge.

“Very good Terrae, it is definitely adequate, but if you don't mind an old wolf giving you some advice I would improve upon your assessment. First, for a fresh wound I would clean it with Trillium, a rare herb I spend much of my time finding and stocking. On a wound that doesn't look infected a simple wash and rub with Trillium will suffice, to get out any grit and bacteria, especially from bites which are most commonly known for becoming infected. You will learn to fear infection and do all you can to starve it off. Also, I personally create a little paste for them to eat, through I recreate it to personally cater to the situation. If their injuries are terrible I will add another, milder sedative in the paste - as well as the one I give them when healing - for them to have sparingly for a few days, the amount used must be carefully monitored or they could either build up an immunity to it, or become addicted. Also, I add Elderberry, this I use often, boosting their immune system is fantastic, a healthy immune system heals quickly, efficiently, and lowers the risk of infection or sickness from a weak body. And Yarrow, is another good herb to add to a paste of a wolf with many injuries. Judging the severity of wounds, if you believe they have lost a lot of blood you must prescribe bed rest and water, depending on how bad they are this could mean you force them to take water every hour, this helps replenish their lost blood”

It was a lengthy speech, but it was to remind them that there was so much more to healing then a bandage and some pain herbs. This explanation was for both the wolves, and her eyes had shifted from one to the other as she spoke to ensure they both knew this.

Lior would give a very different assessment to Terrae, and she listened carefully as the woman took Orchid down her own path of thought, she watched carefully as Lior explained what she was doing, and Orchid watched. “I'm curious to know why a neck wound prompts you to keep a patient conscious? A head wound I can understand if you fear concussion, but a neck wound? Are you worried about blood loss? Because you don't need a wolf conscious to find signs of that” she said, she would explain that process to them later “Creating an oil from an Aloe leaf is difficult and time consuming, and if there was a terrible burn you would be best to use the whole leaf, and to patch it to their skin as they healed. I don't understand why you would use Aloe to clean a wound, please, explain your thought process to me. she said, her eyes on Lior as she spoke, and questioned the young wolfs actions.   “For an old wound, its not to take away their scars it is to assess their health. there are some important facts to consider, one is to check for any sign of infection, at this point if there was infection its had a chance to take root and drastic action must be taken, because once an infection enters the blood and reaches the heart it is death. Also, the rate of healing can tell you a lot about their immune system and how they are caring for themselves. If you believe it is not healing to your satisfaction prescribe regular drinks of water and some Elderberry herbs.” she would explain to her apprentice. Terrae had the foundation for healing already, but she was already thinking she would have to start from scratch with Lior, that was alright, she would simply have to teach the two apart for now, a beginners training and an intermediate training. She would wait to see their thoughts and if they had any questions before continuing the lesson.
