
Oh Really? e.e



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-18-2015, 03:40 PM

This girl was a strange one. Though he would be stupid to trust her wholly, he would feign that trust for now. He needed to see if she was even loyal to keep her promise to begin with, otherwise he would attack her here and now. He had no time for games, no time for those he could not trust. But she seemed genuine in her words. "I wouldn't get too comfortable around me...if anything you should be apprehensive." A bit laughter rumbled in his throat, amber gaze locked on her as he kept his stance. What surprised him, or maybe it wasn't such a surprise...that if her pack had fallen in such disarray, why hadn't she done anything about it? If he were an Alpha, his pack would be whipped into shape and would know there was no room for laziness, and would be made to train all the time. There was no room for weakness in this world, but it seemed that so far, her pack was just that. Maybe that was why she decided to come to the conclusion of offering him a position...He listened quietly as she continued, the man eyeing her with a guarded gaze.

It was a tempting offer. One he simply couldn't refuse. "You've found the right man for the job. I live for fighting without mercy, so no second thoughts or doubts will come from me unlike those in your pack. I accept your offer, and in turn I will give you and your family positions as well..." He stared at her then, advancing a step as his gazed fill with a look of dead seriousness. "My family are content with waiting for the moment. However, I will say this now...if you betray me, I will make your life a living Hell. And you don't want that. I'm not very fond of those who don't keep to their word, and I for one may not be entirely trustworthy I will admit, but I always keep my word." His gaze burned with a question, and it burned with truth as his words were growled. It was a promise what he said, that if she turned her back on this offer, he would do just as he had said. No mercy.