
Song of Waves


04-09-2013, 03:58 PM

The sound of paw prints pressed against the frozen sand behind the chestnut male. Ice cracked under the wolves paw and Genesis turned to see who had approached. It was a beautiful dame that had curiously came to him. An absolute beauty she was of course, but then again that was all the dames Genesis came across.

If only Genesis knew the dame was taken, especially by the Alpha of his own home, would he have just let her alone? Of course not! All that was going through the hungry wolf's mind was that this was a young girl, and she was from his home.

The brute gave her a smile as words left his maw,

"Yes I am ma'am."

Genesis was a pure gentleman, and needles to say he was gorgeous. Who wouldn't want the brute? His eyes were a piercing icy deep blue. His fur was soft and almost never tangled. He was a charmer, he knew how to talk to woman. But the dame his eyes laid on was taken, and probably very loyal. But how could he have know that if he had just joined this home?

"I just joined Glaciem a few days ago, thought I'd go for a run around the territories close by."
