
Taking the Time [PACK MEETING]



9 Years
08-18-2015, 08:57 PM

At first all Ravine could do was stare at the injured male and the woman who scolded others for not helping him. The only thing he could think of was Akemi. Where was she? Was she ok? Silently he would watch the woman clean the injured wolf's face until he heard others coming up behind him. As he turned, his eyes caught sight of a large white male with read markings and instantly the fur on his back would raise. He had never seen this wolf before and he smelled all wrong. Among the other wolves he was the only one who frightened him. Made him want to leave the meeting, but as long as it was required of him to be here, then he would not leave.

Arian's voice would once again draw his attention back toward the front of the group, where the white and red male would soon take his place. She spoke about being pissed off at the pack because they had done nothing but sit on their butts while a pack called Yifr had become a threat to them. She made it quite clear that she wanted things to change, that those who held the rank of Citizen were to choose an actual rank and that this Sin wolf was the new beta because he reminded her of her uncle. Not to menton if anyone were to decide Sonticus wasn't for them, they would basically have to fight for their freedom but they weren't prisoners.

As if on que Sin would begin to speak. Telling them he would be the one to punish everyone should they fall behind on their duties. Again he would stress that things would be changing and again Ravine was confused as to how he could sit around and do nothing. Hell he wasn't even sure on how he could fall behind on his duties when he didn't really have any yet. He and Akemi had only just joined, and though Ravine didn't have a rank he had spent what little time he had been here hunting and learning the land. He and Akemi had agreed on a den and he had indeed seen how little others had been doing but based on his small amount of time here the dark man assumed they were talking about everyone else. The last bit Ravine didn't give a damn about. As far as he was conserved they were a part of Sonticus and the mans family didn't have any more rights than the next wolf.

The next thing he knew, Avalon was voicing the Alpha's betrayal toward her and Cypress and then storming off. Next up was Akemi, who had appeared at his side only to voice her angered opinion as well. Well, damn it it was Ravine's turn to voice his. "I have to agree with my pack mates. Yes more can be done to improve the ranks but I don't think you should step on toes just because, reminds you of a family member. I mean no disrespect Arian, but Akemi and I came here because you described this place to us as a safe place to live. If you plan on changing that, and based on what Sin has just told us, then I agree with Akemi completely." his eyes would travel from Arian to Sin and his features would harden "As for you and your family, I will give you as much respect as you earn. Until then, I will treat you and your family as I treat everyone else. As a pack mate." If Sin and his family didn't like that then so be it, If Arian didn't like what he and Akemi had to say then so be it.