
Just Seeking Your Guidance



04-09-2013, 04:13 PM

It didn't take long for another wolf to join her and this pregnant female, a white shewolf with beautiful blue eyes. The way she held herself told Loccian she was older than her, and seemed to be in a good mood. That was good, she would have felt horrible for coming here and only meeting moody wolves. Good day, milady Loccian. I am Erani, the Lead Healer of this Pack. If I heard you correctly, you wish to be taught the more advanced levels of our Craft. Am I correct? She dipped her head out of respect to the shewolf, a small smile forming on her lips as her ears perked up to her voice. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Erani, and yes, I wish to learn more of the healing arts. I hope I will be able to go home with new knowledge that could help my packmates. She gave a nod of her head.

When Miss Erani turned and spoke to the other shewolf Loccian gave a dip of her head to her once more, watching her listen to the healer and turn back, heading back to the pack's camp most likely. She is very pretty, I hope she bears strong, healthy pups. She smiled, looking to Erani with grey eyes. Perhaps you could teach me some things about child birth and what I could do to help the mother and children? We will be having pups born soon and so I want to be prepared. Yes, Ghost had become pregnant with Segar's pups, terrible news for her seeing as her brother had wanted to ask her to be her mate. Funny how things went.

ooc: Let's just say Aislyn listened to Erani and went back. XD
