
you explained the infinite



7 Years

08-18-2015, 11:04 PM

He didn't notice her trying to cover up her laugh, had no idea what kind of thoughts were in her pretty little head at the moment. But he very much was under her spell, just the scent of her in their den had led him to her side. He could not resist her when she was in heat, he wanted to surround her, consume her. Plus, there was a part that needed to guard her. If anyone tried to take advantage of his Wren, there would be hell to pay. Bass would gladly snap the neck of someone who dared touch her. She was his and no one else could have her. Yes, he was possessive, but he didn't care. His family meant way too much to him, too much to share with anyone else. When Wren placed nips on the side of his neck as well, his body shivered slightly under her touch, his desire hardly pushed under the surface at the moment. He let out a faint hum that rumbled in his throat, leaning right into her teeth as she nipped at his flesh. Damn he wanted her, but tried to keep himself tied down. Down boy. Bass wasn't going to just jump her... no matter how badly he wanted to.

Wren called him a charmer, and he snorted at her, leaning once more into her touch as she nuzzled into him. "Solo perché si mettono in me." He muttered, watching her as she became enamored with her thoughts. Bass fell silent with her, moving his head down to her scuff as he teased and tugged at the flesh there. Ever so slowly he trailed a path down her spine, nibbling before pressing a kiss where his teeth had just been. It was hard to resist her, to just have a little taste. A rough growl rumbled in his belly, his pale tail thumping on the earth in a more aggressive manner. He wasn't very good at keeping his lust down, it would seem. He rumbled as he pulled back, eyes contorting as he tried to focus, to push it down until Wren made a stronger move back. After all, who knows if she even wanted to deal what with could happen if they made love now? The talk of pups hadn't come up yet, and if they mated now... there was a pretty high chance that she would be expecting again. After all, she was more than fertile, if she were able to conceive their young a season after her own heat. He smirked to himself, finding it a rather good distraction.

To break the silence he brought up their first Summer together, gazing at her as he eagerly awaited her answer. She planted more kisses on him, and he had to close his eyes for a few moments to try to close that door again. No, no. Lust could wait. Be civil and talk! He was a man now, not a teenage boy driven by hormones and instict. It was hard though, during their trip they were surrounded by family and their girls, there was no space for them to do more than snuggle. Her tail swung behind her and stirred up her scent more, and very slowly Bass opened his eyes to look at his wife. Gods above she was so beautiful, how was he so lucky to have her? Snapped out of his thoughts when she spoke, he chuckled softly. Yes, it was a rather hard moment to forget. That was the first time she had cried on him, and that he had held her that close. "O siamo stati solo paura," He whispered, touching his nose to her own. "Penso che entrambi erano spaventati da quanto profondamente siamo caduti per l'altro così in fretta. E 'stato davvero come siamo stati pensati per essere, anche allora. Abbiamo appena ... bene insieme." Grinning a bit at her, Bass kissed each of her cheeks. "E guardate adesso, i genitori di un anno di età cuccioli."

Bass paused after his last words, pulling his head back so that he could try to see Wren. She had snuggled under his chin and into his chest, and placing a lick at the base of her crown he fought to catch her gaze. "Wren?" He asked, wishing to hold her gaze before his next words came tumbling out. "Hai mai pensato di avere più bambini?" His voice was very soft, hardly a whisper as he tried to stare into those minty green eyes. It was not the only thing on his mind right now, more the fun and loving way of GETTING babies. But he had to think ahead, think of what could become of a romp with his wife. At any other time of year they wouldn't really have to worry about the consequence, but at this time of year? Better be sure.
