
First stop~



5 Years
08-18-2015, 11:47 PM
Starling was spending a big portion of his "vacation" helping a girl who was practically a stranger. Well, it made sense. He could never really turn down someone that needed help, now could he. But she seemed to get on his nerves a bit, or perhaps that was his anxiety talking. Whatever it was, though, made the young healer wonder why he was doing this. But another part of him wondered why he was annoyed by her. It was just the situation, he reminded himself. He had never really felt annoyance, aside from what came hand in hand with his sheer embarrasment at constantly tripping. With a sigh he'd glance over at her, as he had done several times during their walk. The thicket wasn't very far from the plains, and for that he was happy. Here they would find their meadowsweet, which would help the healing pain he know was bound to happen. When muscles and ligaments grew back, it hurt and throbbed, and being so close to many nerve endings it was bound to give her migrains and many aches. "Se dico mi dispiace, vuoi ascoltare ?" He whispered softly, glancing towards her as apology crosses his face. "I-i'm sorry.." He said softly as the grass changed and trees began to dot the area. "I-if I-i hurt y-your feelings...a-at all. I...d-didn't m-mean i-it." He would offer the smallest of smiles then before sighing and glancing around for the tell tale flowers. Only a small amount of silence would settle before he had to speak again, feeling awkward with what he just said. Clearing his throat he'd smile towards her. "Wh-what's y-your passion. M-Mine is h-healing, obviously? A-and learning, r-really an-nyth-thing. A-aunt Mot-tif was t-teaching me h-how to fight bef-fore V-vail was born. N-not that I'm an-ny good...I-i trip ov-ver my own p-paws....l-like all the t-time. E-even when I'm standing s-still." He laughed, feeling his cheeks heat up just so but thankfully covered with liver colored fur, his eyes quickly darting away.
