
Wrass Litter, the Second!



7 Years

08-19-2015, 12:24 AM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2015, 06:20 AM by Lillianna.)

[Image: MDb7bgQ.png?1]

Full Name : Cadence Destruction
Alignment : Good question… as a pup, chaotic good or neutral good. This may change as she is played c:
Gender : Female
Design : 4
Quick Description : This isn't brief whoops
Base + You can’t really tell… her colors are equal. Probably the light brown.
Eyes + A purplish color
Height + 27”
Weight + Lemme figure this out….
Build + While Cadence is short, she’s still tough - she has a more stocky build, more muscular and bulky - honestly, more like a male’s form than a female’s. However, this doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a feminine shape - she has one. It’s just slight.

Markings + When you first look at Cadence, you have to look again and again, because her appearance cannot be taken in in one look. She is a stunning specimen. A dark brownish- red blankets her back, only extending a few inches in jagged color past her spine, except on her shoulders. On her shoulder blades, her dark brownish fur extends a couple more inches, down to the joint where the muscles in her forelegs become noticeable. This same dark brown coats her ears, edges the bottom of her tail, and coats the back of back legs from about the thigh down a little past her ankle (for the left leg). For the right leg it extends down to her toe joints. She also has dark brown starting a few inches above her elbow joint, a thing stripe, going down, following the shape of her arm, down to the ankle joint and back up the other side. This is on both front legs. Finally, the last bit of dark brown is in the typical destruction markings: the stripe below her eye. She has another Destruction marking, mirroring her father’s; this is white. A strip up her nose, it accents the colors of her eyes to make them stunning jewels. White colors the inside of her ears, the front of her back legs, her belly, the back of her front legs. It traces up from below her arm - just below - up to where it meets the dark brown, and traces a thin line, just as jagged as the dark brown. It colors her butt, a couple of inches down, but it does not meet the dark brown. It then covers both the bottom and the top of her tail in a thin line. Everywhere else is light brown.

TL;DR - She’s a sexy Destruction girl with dark brown, white, and light brown on her with purple eyes.

Personality :
Proud + Okay, maybe Cadence has a tiny problem with an inflated ego. She’s prideful to the point it borders arrogance; she believes that she can do little wrong, and that her siblings are never wrong. Well, at least, if they are, it’s more of the other person’s fault regardless. All things her siblings do well is met with encouragement and happiness.

Loyal + Family first, family always. It doesn’t matter if her sibling randomly killed someone. Obviously, the person they killed deserved it in some way. She won’t listen to any other explanations. She will defend her parents and siblings, both older and younger, with her life, and will generally be willing to give up any friend that hasn’t been raised to family-status in rder to help her family. Given a choice, family will always be the answer.

Prickly + Her shortness is a point of dissatisfaction for her. She hates being short, and anyone who teases her will quickly learn that the short thing has thorns, and they are sharp. She’s determined to prove everyone that just because she’s short, she’s still tough. She sometimes will even make enemies and slights when there were none to start.

Tomboy + Being a lady? That’s for weaklings, or so Cadence believes. Everyone should know how to defend themselves. Fighting is something you should always know. Anyone not in her family she will look down upon if they do not prove themself to her; in her family, she still loves them if they are weak, but she swears to herself she will not end up like that. She is one to rough around, playing with the boys and getting dirty (as long as she can clean herself after).

Vain + This is perhaps one of her only girl-ish traits. She is very, very vain - her fur must be well kept at all times, and as a pup she may throw a fit if it’s not clean. Unlike most pups, she enjoys being groomed, and will start grooming herself long before it is necessary. She’s pretty, she knows it, and she isn’t afraid of making Daddy frustrated and protective over his daughter… and she isn’t afraid of causing thoughts of ‘maybe I should lock her in a barrel’ when she hits maturity.

Generous + Despite her tendency to think those that fight are weak, she does have a soft spot regarding those that can’t fight. She will eagerly help out pups and elders, caring for them, and sometimes doing things for them without even being asked to do. She’ll definitely help pregnant females and those that are injured.

Fair + Cadence hates the idea of evil - why does it exist? What is the purpose? While she firmly believes in fighting, she does not believe in unjustified bloodshed. Fighting si to protect oneself, and to protect your family. It should not be something you enjoy, outside spars. She despises those that revel in bloodshed, and determines to get rid of those wolves, one at a time, so her family will be safe.

Possessive + What's hers is hers - and it won't change. She will fight anyone and everyone to protect what's hers, and to keep it hers. She's not fond of sharing, though can be convinced to do so with her family... and only her family. Anyone not her family will have a hard time convincing her to do anything, let alone give something to them that she sees as hers. She also sees her family as hers; when her siblings get older and start bringing home partners, she will make it very clear that if that partner tries to take away Cadence's family, they will be in pain.

Roleplay Sample : Her muscles were tense, her entire body frozen as if a statue. Purple eyes were the only sign of life; they blazed with determination and vigor as they shifted around. Her nose flared as she breathed in; there - there it was! A sliver of movement had her head spin around, searching for the source of the sight and sound: there! She could both smell and hear it now, though she was on the opposite side of her. The squirrel was eyeing her, too, and the girl flicked her eyes away, trying to keep herself as inconspicious as possible.

The squirrel stared a few more seconds, then continued foraging; Cay let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. The squirrel stayed distracted, thank all heavenly and superior beings, and soon a small smile curved the young girl's lips. She would get this. She'd get this, and then she'd teach her siblings, and then she'd be so proud and happy. But first, she'd be the first one to make her momma and daddy proud. And she would; she had no doubt about it. She'd succeed, and she would not fail.

It was then the squirrel hopped in front of her, and the stocky girl became a blur of movement as she pounced jaws snapping shut on fur. Blood rushed into her mouth as her head jerked up, tail wagging so hard it began hurting from the force she moved it. oooh, this was one of the best days ever! And she'd present this squirrel to her parents, after cleaning herself, of course. Then, her parents would be so proud of her! She began to trot off happily, back towards the family den

Roleplay Sample 2 : (as if facing an evil wolf, in the middle of a conversation)
Cadence was... stunned. Dumbfounded. How could one do such a thing? Slaves? Without salvation? Pups? How? It's one thing to take someone as a servant, or a slave, but give them an option to free themselves... it's another thing to completely strip that option away and take away even their will. And here, in front of her, was a disgusting specimen of the wolf species who reveled in the bloodshed, and extended even down to the pup at his feet, whom he had claimed.

No. Cadence wouldn't allow that. She felt a snarl curl at her lips, and she stared at the dark creature. "How could you?" she growled, fur rising and bristling with her aggression. This male loved bloodshed, and would probably want her to fight, but... she could not let this evil man take away a small pup and teach them the same way. Words flowed from her mouth, a challenge: "I challenge you for this pup. She will be mine." There was determination, no hesitation: she was not a mother yet, nor would be for quite a while, but she was an adult.. and she knew her parents would help her raise this child right. So she waited for his response, though she knew what the response would be: a fight, a spar, a maim, something. And she would meet it greedily, eager to correct this wrong.

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.