
Wrass Litter, the Second!



8 Years
Dragon Mod
08-19-2015, 12:30 AM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2015, 12:31 AM by Shiki.)

[Image: TaHsCRV.png?1]
Full Name : Hawk Destruction
Alignment : Neutral
Gender : Male
Design : #5
Quick Description : He bears a base coat of soot grey with markings of brown and white adorning different parts of his body. A semi-circle of white and brown on his sides, brown marking on his muzzle and brown encircling his eyes. Brown paws, white cascades down his chest and his tail tip is also white. Eye color is green. His facial features ALWAYS look serious too.

Personality :
Hawk is very loyal to his family, everything he does is for them and doesn't like to stray away for too long, nor do things that may put them in danger. He wishes to become the best warrior he can be, and one that his parents can be proud of. Family is everything to the man, much like the majority of the Destruction line and very rarely will he be seen not doing anything to prepare himself for life. He looks up to his father like no other, the man perfect in the boys eyes and thus he will always remain loyal to his father, because his father is loyal to his family as well, he has learned this trait from Bass and wishes to be like him someday.

Idolizes Starling
Hawk will grow to idolize his older brother from the very start. He will follow him around to see what he's doing, wanting to learn from his big brother. He looks up to Starling like a hero, the male wanting to follow in his every footstep and become a great healer like his older sibling. Though Hawk isn't as shy or as timid as Starling, what his brother lacks, Hawk will cover. Standing up for him and protecting him like a good little brother. He strives to do good by way of healing others, and fighting to protect them as well. With a paw in both worlds, he feels that he can protect and help everyone. And what better way to do it then at his brothers side? He shares his secrets and dreams with Starling, entrusting him with things that he could never tell anyone else.

Not much can scare the boy, he approaches situations with a confident mind, though he might become reckless in these situations. He won't start a fight if he can help it, but he will finish it if someone starts it with him first. This can lead him to become irrational at times, though he will often try to keep his state of mind calm and level headed. He isn't perfect, but like almost anyone, he won't stand by and take no action when he feels he or his family are being insulted.

The male can be quite arrogant in his ways, especially when it comes to knowledge about certain things. Sure, he isn't perfect, but every wolf has their flaws and he is just one of many who is flawed. Though he doesn't believe himself better then everyone, when it comes to healing knowledge, he does believe he knows it all because he learned it from big brother Starling! And everyone knows that Starling knows it all. If someone is wrong about something, Hawk will loudly point it out and correct them or offer his input. Though he knows when there's times and places for this too. He does like to speak his mind, however, quite the opposite of Starling but a compliment to one another, he thinks.

Sarcastically Serious Joker with a Resting B**** Face
Unfortunately for Hawk, he has a dry sense of humor. Well...not really. He means well to joke, but for some cruel joke of fate, his face always holds a look of complete seriousness. It doesn't matter if he's joking or laughing or telling his significant other the sweetest things in the world, his face always looks like ب_ب matter what. Due to this, everyone may think that he is completely serious, his monotone voice not helping in the matter. Though he always appears angry or serious or miffed about something, he is actually a sweetheart most of the time. And he loves to joke with others, but...obviously, that in itself is a hard task to do when everyone can't tell that he's joking.

Good Heart
Despite his serious looking demeanor, Hawk has a very big heart for those in need. He won't stand idly by when someone is crying or needs some reassurance. Yes, he looks like he's always irritated or angry about something, but beneath his scary looking face, he's a huge sweetheart. He will always strive to be there for those who need it, and will offer advice and his support to the best of his ability. He is an understanding creature, and will lend his aid where it is needed be it emotionally, mentally, or physically.

RP sample:
Hawk had done it again. Somehow, he ended up sitting alone in the middle of the field confused and puzzled. Why didn't people laugh at his jokes? Were they not funny? Did they not get it? Maybe he wasn't telling the jokes right...with a big sigh, the boy got up and headed towards the river. It was a place that calmed him, or so he felt it anyway. Large paws carried the confused boy, steps dragging as he tried to figure out why he wasn't funny...or maybe he was, but the others didn't think so? Frowning, he would approach the steady part of the river as he waded in chest deep. Staring into the water, his reflection stared back at him. An intimidating and serious