
Wrass Litter, the Second!

Athena I


9 Years
08-19-2015, 02:43 AM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2015, 09:53 PM by Leo.)

Full Name
Sandpiper Brio Destruction

Neutral Good



Quick Description
30 inches tall, 90ish pounds.
The main color that comes out in Sandpiper's pelt is a pale tan hue. This covers the majority of her form from head to tail and about halfway down her legs. White covers half of all four of her legs and also trails up to cover the back edge of her hind legs and up along the back of her left leg, just up past the elbow. The last color to come into play is a shade of charcoal. This gray coloring covers the bridge and forms half-circle like markings under each eye. It also covers the underside of her tail and the edges of the top parts of her hind legs. The markings under her eyes accent the bright, sky blue color of her eyes. Piper leans more toward her mother in build and will only stand at thirty inches tall when she is full grown. While it varies on occasion, she tends to be more on on the lighter side as well, averaging around ninety pounds or so. She is definitely built more for speed than her father might be.

Determined, Playful, Protective, Firey, Strong-Willed
Sandpiper approaches everything in life with a strong determination. She can frequently be seen walking with a strut in her step and a challenging gleam in her blue eyes. There is nothing she doesn't think she can handle so when someone tells her she can't it only makes her more determined to try, even if doing so gets her in trouble. It's quite possible that if you can't find her she might be at the top of the closest tall rock or tree- or grounded in the den.

If anyone picks on or threatens her family, in particular her siblings, she will be quick to jump to their defence. She doesn't care if that treat happens to be the local bully or a bear, she'll throw herself into the line of fire for them. Her temper can be a bit quick when it comes to matters involving her family. Normally she is a pretty pleasant, if a tad obnoxious, woman to be around, but at the first sign of trouble she flares up like a wildfire.

She picks up on her father's love for fun and adventure and is always up for a game or to go exploring. Wanna play tag? She's down. Wanna go check out a big scary cave? She's down. That's just another way that her determination comes out. She's not fearless, but anything that might be scary she just sees as a challenge and loves that adrenaline rush she gets from it. At times she can be hard to keep held down in one place so don't be surprised if she disappears for a few days out of the blue. She doesn't mean anything by it, sometimes it just takes a couple of days for her to see everything she wants to see!

RP sample
"Piper! What are you doing!?" the adventurous young woman heard from down below and she peered down from where she stood at the top of the waterfall, seeing one of her older siblings standing there looking up at her.

She gave them a wide grin and called back, "Hey! Hang on, I'll jump down to you!"

"What?! No! Piper-" was all she herd before she took a couple steps back and make a running leap off the top of the waterfall and down into the pool below. The distance was maybe seven or eight feet, but it was obviously enough to not only stress out her sibling but maybe make it a questionable decision. She caused a huge splash as she landed in the water and a few moments later she popped back up through the surface and blinked the water out of her eyes to see her sibling standing at the edge of the pool, absolutely drenched from her splash, giving her a furious glare. "Sandpiper! What in the world were you thinking? You could have really hurt yourself!"

She shot them a grin and swam over to them, shaking out her tan coat once she stepped onto the shore, no doubt getting more water on her sibling on accident. "I had to celebrate my first birthday somehow! Don't be such a stick in the mud. Jeeze."