
Wrass Litter, the Second!


08-19-2015, 09:34 AM

Full Name : Junco Destruction or Harp Destruction
Alignment : Neutral good
Gender : Female
Design : 6
Quick Description : Base color of white, brown legs with grey paws, brown tail tip, grey left ear, grey destruction markings such as strip of the nose and marking under eye. Pale green eyes.

Skills in fighting and healing.
Personality :

She is a wolf of love, surprisingly. She feels the need to help anyone who needs it, and may even bring home some strays. (Possible companion later on). She cares deeply for those she loves, family and friends, she will do anything in her power to protect them. She is full of energy and loves to play, when she is older she enjoys spending time with pups and hopes to have some of her own as soon as possible. She hopes for love, but can do fine with just the love for her children.

She can be stubborn and a brat at times, sometimes playing too rough with her siblings and not listening too well to anyone. But she will always love her family, even if they have done something horrible. She is quick to forgive and easy to love. She only wishes the best for her family and will do her best to make it that way.

-will try and make this prettier later-

RP sample:

She was on her prey, stalking through the tall grasses of her meadow. She was so close, eyes on the prize as energy built up almost overflowing from her body. She would shake, eyes widened and then!


She would come down into her sisters head, whines coming from underneath her. "Oh you're fine!" she would exclaim. She took a few steps off and away from her, the other little girl crying and whining, "Junco, be nice to your sister." rolling her eyes she would look to her parents with a sudden change of heart, eyes looking angelic towards them, "Aw, but I didn't do anything."

She was just playing, her sister was just overreacting. She wouldn't do anything to actually hurt any of them. She just felt the need to act like a hunter.