
Gathering All The Pretties!

Finch I


4 Years

08-19-2015, 12:58 PM

Finch didn't even see the pain, she was already bounding off to show the girl her collection. First stop was her shells, one of her most favorite piles. She wiggled slightly as Lillie looked at them closely, looking up at her to see if it was okay to get a closer look. She would just give her the warning, she didn't often trust others near her things. But Lillie was careful, noting that the pink one was nice, and pointing out her other favorite. Yes, all of them were very nice! She loved her collections, and before long she let out a bark and placed the grass back, nosing a big leaf over most of the pile to hide them. Her family knew where it was all hidden, and they were careful not to step on it. Carefully moving around it, she bounded off to the very back of the den. This collection was very different, and she had to dig it up. Using her pale paws she scratched the dirt off of her rocks until the top of the pile showed, brushed it away so that Lillie could see them. She only grabbed the most pretty rocks, the one with interesting colours or patterns on them. She adored the rocks that had a circle going all the way around them, and those were the ones that she looked for most. Sticking her nose in the hole she pushed some of the rocks out of the ground, before stepping back to let the other girl see these ones. These two collections were her very best, the others only had one or two things. She didn't show those to anyone, not until they were bigger and had more things. Sitting back with pride in her eyes, she gave Lillie full access. Rocks were pretty hard to break, so she didn't mind these ones being touched.
