
Wrass Litter, the Second!



2 Years
Extra large
08-19-2015, 02:51 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2015, 04:18 PM by Calypsei.)

Full Name: Tordo Coda Destruction (Italian for Thrush, which will also work if you'd prefer English)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Might change as he grows)
Gender: Male
Design: #1
Quick Description: Most of the design will be remaining the same, with the exception of Tordo having a heterochromia iridum, his left eye being green in favor of his mother while his right eye is yellow, to resemble his father. The majority of Tordo's body is soot grey, heading from his paws up to the side of his maw and up to the tips of his shoulder blades and to the middle of his sides. Above that is a strip of sandy brown running to the top of his bum, not including his tail, and remaining a few inches wide as it wraps around to cover the top of his head. The rest of his body is a pure white including his ears, tail, and small white marks underneath his eyes that could be compared to that of his father. He will likely build up muscle as he grows and have fluffy-ish fur. He will grow to be thirty-six inches, matching his father.

Personality: Tordo the Soldier.

It was all just a game, a game that was more important than any other game to be played, and Tordo played an instrumental role in it. His role? Protector. Protect the queens and kings with his life if it called for it. It was a game he would play ever single day. The queens and kings just happened to be his siblings and his parents. The boy would always be protective of them, keeping a close eye even from a distance to ensure their safety. Being raised on the idea that family was everything that mattered and the isolation he was sure to see because of his nature to defend those he loves taking over his instincts, leaving little time for socialization. This classifies him as an introvert.

Being a very curious child will often lead Tordo to discovering things he wished he hadn't. He will learn to accept the fact that he will be looked at differently and will rely on his parents and sister heavily as he tried to become more than a child of royalty, but someone who he sees as necessary who actually matters. When the time comes, he might leave his parents stead to look for acceptance, though this is not likely as he should have little trouble.

Throughout his life, Tordo will not look to make friends but instead look to find other wolves who understand him. Often times he will try to form special bonds, like friendship, with these wolves. If he does not succeed, he will keep trying until they do something which conflicts with his opinions of them. He will not be quick to leave a friend behind and will always have their back with the hopes that they have his in return.

This personality could change with in-character developments if he is chosen as one of the Wrass puppies.

RP sample: Placed as a pup before his eyes change to their adult colors as he stands up for the first time because why not?! Est.4 weeks

The young child was so sweet and innocent as he curled against his mother’s stomach. He faded in and out of sleep as his ocean blue puppy eyes opened for one of the first times. Everything appeared blurry around him as Tordo kept his mind clear of anything he deemed unimportant. Carefully the small child would try and raise himself up on wobbly legs, his mind trying to wrap around the concept that the world was not pure black like he had imagined since his birth. He would let out a small yelp as he fell flat, his legs flattening out and splaying off to the sides of him. It hurt to stand! His nose would wrinkle as he looked at the blurry forms that he identified as his siblings and the huge blurry form that was his mother.

He let out a whine, sniffing around for the scents he was so familiar with. He knew the mother scent that was there and the scent of his siblings, but where was the third scent that he always smelled. Was that his father? Where were the voices that he constantly heard babbling in the background when he was suckling for his dear life? This is what truly confused him. Slowly his front legs would move out in front of him as he tried to drag himself back to the warmth that he had called home for the entirety of his life. The world was huge but not as huge as he thought it might have been. He would end up dragging himself only a matter of inches but it was close enough that he would accidentally bump into his sister/brother/a sibling.

“Mother!” The young boy would whine as he looked at the blurry figure, using his paw to attempt a weak push at her stomach. “(insert a gender sibling here)!” He would call out as he looked at his littermate with almost eager eyes. This was a new life, and he was ready to take it by the horns.

Avatar Credit goes to euphoriclies on dA/Sarah on RoW