
Something told me...



5 Years
08-19-2015, 03:49 PM
Starling had been staring at the ground, his eyes intense as if he wanted to drill holes in the earth. And for a moment he almost thought he could, with how his mind was whirling. He tilted his head up when he heard the sound of paw steps, and for one brief moment he was terrified, as if he had tresspassed on his own land. The second he saw Bass though, he blinked before yelping as his father grabbed him for a deep, nearly bone crushing hug. He blinked over wide blue eyes before a gentle smile touched his lips and he turned to bury his nose in his father's soft white fur. "Mi manchi ,padre ...faccio ancora." He whispered lightly, shifting back so he could look at his father more clearly. His eyes were wet, stinging as he smiled up at him, his chest tight with emotion. Bass was back! That meant everything had to go back to normal....right. "Come è stato il tuo viaggio?" He said softly before suddenly things shifted. Bass let go of him and Starling too a step back to create a touch more space between himself and his father. Sky blue eyes would grow wider as he saw the aggression coat his father, and he quickly looked behind himself in a moment of panic that something had followed him. But when Bass asked what was wrong, Star looked back, confusion coating his features for a few seconds before a small smile touched his lips. His father had just been worried? Overly..concerned? "Niente ... Ho appena perso te è tutto . Lei non fosse venuto per me, così io ... venuto per te !" His words smooth on his tongue as he smiled timidly up at his father, shifting slightly on large paws. He had grown in the season, but he didn't seem to put on the mass he needed to make his...body seem far less gawky than it was. He seemed to be cursed with this frame...but he had finally touched the maximum on his height, matching his father. They could meet eye to eye now, even if Starling often shrunk down in fear. "Da quanto tempo ... sei stato indietro ?"
