
Do you feel more like a man?


04-09-2013, 05:04 PM

She seated herself besides him and Fenrir grew a bit more anxious with every passing minute. Was it her intent to stay here and babble with him? He was well aware how packs ran themselves. If she had left Valhalla for Tortuga then he was almost positive Valhalla would attempt to claim Loki as theirs again. It was how the world ran and there was no avoiding it. Surely she did not want to return to her former pack? If she had then she wouldn't have left in the first place.

" Welcome back love, I have missed you, it seems tales of times past will have to wait since you are so eager to send me away, what have I done to earn your fast dismissal Fenrir?"

Though he still felt anxious of her well being, he kept a calm visage and waited patiently. He still kept an ear trained towards Valhalla and an ear on her listening to her speech. He wasn't intending to be rude, he was just looking out for her. She was still his mother after all. He wasn't about to just sit back and not say anything at all.

"Sorry. Wasn't trying to be rude. Was just looking out for you. Was sure you didn't wanna be here."

He spoke in fragmented sentences again. He wasn't quite fond of talking, even to family or someone he knew well. He was the silent sort who let his actions speak for him. If she insisted on staying that was fine. If Valhalla tried to claim her he would argue against it, and fight against it if need be. Simply because he did love her and wanted what was best for her. If she felt Tortuga was best for her, well then he would work towards that goal to keep her there.
