
A Safe Haven For Them All



7 Years
08-19-2015, 06:50 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Epiphron’s arrival on the scene was enough to wilt the irritation brought along by hormones begging to be soothed. An easy grin came to her face as she turned to prance back to her sister, falling alongside with her, fur just brushing. ”Pip. It’s a surprise to see you so far from Fiori.” A quick sniff gave her a clue, and she cocked her head, eying her older sister curiously. ”Stepped down, have you?” A second sniff settled the idea in her head; Epiphron no longer carried that special something in her scent that marked a wolf as an alpha. She wasn’t sure what it was that changed the scent in a wolf that made them so identifiably Alpha. Not only that, but Epiphron seemed more relaxed, less careworn.

A chuckle left her before she said “We’ve been here since Arcanum was crushed and I found out they were gone. No way in hell was I going to let some strays hole up in Mother’s den. Wanted to retch when I first walked in, though. Her den reeked of the two alphas. Naturally, it had to be the bitch who blinded my mate that settled into Mother’s home. Into her alcove, even.” Some of the anger surfaced in her words, before she pushed it away. “We’ve been keeping our scents at a minimum, though. Don’t want to draw too much attention to ourselves before I can get Celestial started.” Her tail gave a flick as she turned her head to smile at her sister.

“The time is upon us, dear sister. Valhalla will rise again under a new name. Like it always has, and always will.” So much confidence in her voice. This time, she wasn’t stopping the momentum needed to raise the flag. “How’s everyone in Fiori? Any new babies or members?”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think