
Pray Your Soul Is Mine To Keep



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-20-2015, 01:09 AM
Sin Hellstrom

An amused rumble sounded in his throat at her response. "That's my girl." He responded as she proceeded to move and stand before him once more. As she moved to stand in front of him, it was confirmation that she would take this opportunity and not let it go to waste. Squaring his shoulders, he set his legs equi-distant apart as his center of gravity was lowered, toes spread and his claws digging into the dirt. With a wry grin, he stared at her as he narrowed his eyes as if to egg her on. And that was precisely what she did. His younger counterpart lunged forward as she attempted to close the few feet between them. As she did so, Sin too would lunge forth. His head lowered over his throat and aligned with his spine and likewise his tail flagged out and aligned with his body as well as acting as a rudder, red painted ears pinned to his alabaster crown, and his hackles bristled as they started their dance.

As she darted to his left, he made to move with her, but then it seemed she would dart towards his right and he wouldn't be able to follow in time. As he halted on a dime, snow sprayed up around him and temporarily shielded his vision. His daughter had chosen a good starting move, and as soon as he'd begun to think about it, he felt a sharp pain on his left hind leg just above his knee. Her bite placement a result of his body arched when he had abruptly stopped. He hissed in pain as her teeth met in the meaty part of his leg, her canines digging in about an inch, mild moderate lacerations were given as he began his move. As he swung his head to his left, his maw opened wide as he sought and attempted to bite her right hind leg just above the back of her knee. (Above the ankle/achilles heel). He wanted to try and grip with his teeth, and keep a solid hold on her to handicap her movements.  Simultaneously, he attempted to swing his hindquarters away from her to his left, her attempted paw hold failing as he felt her claws lightly scratch his left side just beneath his back, though no damage would be done. Hoping that his own attack would distract her and keep her from going for another low blow, Sin realigned his stance. Legs were spread apart as his body was lowered closer to the ground, his scruff rolled and bunched, and he rolled his shoulders forward to protect his neck, as well as use them as a battering ram.

He sought to use his momentum and thrust forward, attempting to bowl her over by slamming into her hindquarters, right foreleg reaching forward in an attempt to trip her, further trying to compromise her balance. Though if she were smart, and he knew she was, she'd be able to get herself out of this predicament.

Sin VS Paradox for Spar

Round: 1/2

Attacks: Attempting to bite behind her left leg and keep a hold/grip above the ankle/achilles tendon(basically similar location she bit him but on the other side of the leg), attempt to knock her over with his shoulders and his momentum, attempt to trip her/compromise her balance with his right foreleg.

Injuries: Moderate lacerations+2" puncture wounds on his left thigh, shallow/light scratches on his left side.

Out Of Character Notes: