
Darling I'm A Nightmare Dressed Like A Daydream



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-20-2015, 01:40 AM

It had been a few days since the meeting. And already the air was thick and tense with the disgruntled and disturbed voices of most of the pack members. He knew why Arian had asked him to come to Sonticus, and it was because he bore no fear for what needed to be done. She had spoken of Yfir, and it was true that they were a threat. Though he'd never met any of them personally save for his half brother Vereux, he was the only one that could fearlessly lead Sonticus against them, if only to quell Arian's blithering about them. She had obviously shown that she had wanted to do something about them at the meeting, yet it had largely gone ignored by her prattling inferiors. Tail lashed behind him as he stood on the bow of the ship, overlooking the frigid waters. Summer was upon them at last, the temperatures still cold but at least the sun beat a little warmer with little cloud coverage above them. And though the disdain from the pack was clear towards him, he didn't care. They had one of two choices...protect their home before they were driven out, or sit around until there was nothing left to protect. He had heard of the vikings newly acquainted with the North, and Sin new every pawstep, every nook and cranny and trail within these lands. He didn't choose to do this out of the goodness of his heart, god no. But because he could potentially gain something, and that was the way he worked. If he did someone else a favor, he always expected something in return. Usually, he would not voice what the payment would be until after the deed was done, but the hunger was too strong this time around. What would happen if he did this particular job? He wondered. Without changing his stance nor turning around, he lifted his head to the sky and called for Arian. They needed to stop wasting time.

talk, think