
Sunshine, Daisies, Butter Mellow



10 Years
Dragon Mod
08-20-2015, 04:26 AM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2015, 12:20 AM by Ashelia.)

She had decided to leave her little cave on the side of the Eastern mountain to go and do a bit of exploring. She had been growing quite lonely as of late, but not talking to anyone for a season did that. Small and lithe body weaved around the rocks, her steps careful so she wouldn't fall or tumble down the rocks. This place was sort of fascinating, but it meant nothing when she had no friends, no share it with. She was beginning to feel like she didn't have a purpose anymore, at first she thought maybe she could make others smile...but it wasn't enough to fill the void that had begun to settle in her heart. Even though she had met a rather...interesting woman who claimed to be of a nasty temper, she was rather nice when Ashe had helped heal her broken leg. At least, she hoped her efforts had helped the woman's leg heal. She wanted to do something more for others, something where she would feel...needed. Wanted. Useful to society. She hadn't thought about joining a pack, the ache for her birth pack Valhalla still remained, though she doubted they would ever rise again.

The petite girl had finally chosen to sit in a shady spot as the summer heat bore down upon the land, the humidity making things worse, but she sat with her back to the cool shadowed side of a large boulder. Dual toned eyes scanned the terrain as she panted, and in her sights would fall a lonely flower just a few feet from her. Standing once more, she walked over to it as she gently sniffed at it. The scent smelled quite pleasant, and she wondered what it was. She had never seen such a flower before, and it stood alone. However, it's contrast against the bleak landscape. The flower was bright yellow, and big. It was taller than her by a few inches, large petals tickling her nose. She decided she would settle here for the moment, next to the pretty flower. "I'll keep you company's lonely being alone, isn't it?" She sighed as she wondered what this flower was called. Maybe the name was just as pretty as it looked. (Citron Daylily/Hemerocallis citrina)

"Listen to me talk" 'and know my thoughts.'