
Lets Get Ready To Win



5 Years
08-20-2015, 11:27 AM
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

Eridanus wasn’t blind to the sudden change of expression on his feminine opponent’s face. Oho, she didn’t like it when her opponents were smart enough to try catching their opponents off guard, now did she? As she bounded forward to meet him halfway, he tensed his muscles, bracing for the impending impact. Just before impact, Roselin skidded to a halt, swerving her hind end to one side, to her left, away from him. This interfered just slightly with his shoulder thrust; instead of meeting her pectoral, his right shoulder instead grazed her lower outer front right shoulder. Moderate bruising welled at the point of impact, but the pain was tossed to the back of his head, to be catalogued later after the spar. Blood wet his tongue as his teeth sank into their intended target and came away with his ripping motion. At the same moment, pain stung the back of his neck as his opponent’s canines caught his scruff in their grasp, leaving moderate puncture wounds, but due to his ripping movement, her grip wasn’t as solid as it could have been. However, he met with success in his stomp, hearing her growl as his claws gouged minor scratches into the toes of her right forepaw, even if the hit wasn’t as direct as he’d been aiming for.

He was in motion as soon as his stomp was completed, seeking to rip free of his opponent’s jaws, turning moderate puncture wounds into severe lacerations as her teeth tore into his flesh. Again, the pain from the fresh injuries was thrust aside as he allowed a bit of the adrenaline to mask it, in favor of seeking to surge forward in one bounding stride, and veer directly to his left in the next, wishing to gain a small amount of breathing room. The snaking right forepaw of his opponent missed its intended target, finding only air where his left hind leg had been, her shove only leaving a minor bruise to his right upper hip, his forward movement misplacing the attack.

His head and tail flowed level with his spine, paws falling in a balanced spread, toes spreading apart for further balance, claws biting into the earth under his feet for improved traction. His elbows bent slightly to lower his center of gravity for a more unshakable base. Hackles remained raised from the base of his skull to the base of his tail, fluffed out in a buffer against teeth while head and shoulders rolled together, scrunching his scruff into rolls of fatty protection, though his fur was slicked down at the top with blood. His chin tucked, and his jaws remained parted as his face maintained its silent, wrinkle-faced snarl, eyes narrowed to protective, molten slits as his ears pinned flat to his head. His abdomen remained tense as he dove back into the fray.

He sought to twist to his right, wishing to lunge in at a T angle and aim his jaws for Roselin’s right lower abdominal muscle, midway between her right hind leg and the last rib of her ribcage, wishing to sink his teeth into the flesh for a firm hold while simultaneously seeking to shove the whole of his weight into her right side ribcage with the sharp, bony point of his right shoulder, seeking to leave heavy bruising and knock the wind out of her, as well as shake her balance.

-:: Eridanus vs Roselin for Spar ::-
Round 2/2




Extra Notes: