

Marina I


7 Years
08-20-2015, 02:21 PM
Name: Castiel Mathúin Adravendi

Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance Description:

Castiel is an angel fallen from heaven, cloaked in a bodice that is pleasing to the eyes. His features are soft and gentle, though the man has a powerful build. His body may have bulk, but it is hidden beneath his beautiful shaggy coat. His demeanor does not shout dominance, but rather the sort of kind grace one would expect of an elegant being. He walks with grace, despite his larger form of thirty-nine inches, it is often seen that his head is lifted in pride, for he has much honor to his name and being.

No markings smear anywhere across the lawful good man. He is pure white, coated just as his mother once was -- the color of the innocent, the color of the pure. But it is his eyes, as well as his size, that shows the link to Castiel’s father. His gaze is a piercing, yet gentle golden gaze. He is, overall, the largest of his siblings in both height and muscle tone. But perhaps is one of the more gentle as well.

Personality Description:

The heart of an angel, the heart of all that is good, Castiel stands a being ready to protect the values of the innocent. He wants to make strong the weak, to mend the broken, and to protect everyone who can not protect themselves. His heart is kind and just, a warrior from heaven descended upon the earthly realm. His sense of justice is above all else;; he can not tolerate those who would hurt the innocent just for the sake of pleasing themselves. Unless you want to see the dark side of this angel, watch yourself.

His sense of loyalty and love is strong to his family, for there is no one greater than he cares for. He is open to listening to whatever woes his friends and family might have, being their shoulder to cry on, their rock to rely on, and the one to aid them when they are in their deepest and darkest times. He has no trouble at all being that sort of wolf, with a gentle but strong heart. While he can be kind and gentle, he knows when to be firm and hard too.

In battle, when he needs to be, Castiel becomes one of the fallen for certain. An “Angel With A Shotgun” if you will, for he is ready to throw away everything else to fight and do what needs to be done. Toward enemies he knows when to show mercy, and when a wolf much bite the bullet and take out one who is a danger greater to all others. It is likely Castiel will one day die on the battlefield, fighting for what he believes.

Brief History / Reason For Being Gone:

Having been gone since a little after the birth of Surreal’s first litter, it is a secret fact that the man has actually been looking for lost members of the family. Having returned once in secret to find Faite missing, the man once again set off to search for the child and bring her home. Fearing Surreal would not wish him to go on this journey he had gone in secret, vowing to bring the youngster back someday.

In his travels he has found that Faite’s trail has gone cold. Feeling a bit discouraged, but hoping that she has secretly found her way back to Alacritia, he turns tail and begins his trek back home. Along the way he meets a few friendly faces, as well as a not so friendly male whom he becomes sworn enemies with. His hunt for his niece is now split in his hunt for this murderous savage, whom he vows to one day bring to justice.


To come back to Alacritia and float around for a little while, still looking for Faite. I’m hoping to snag her first thread before she returns to Surreal and fam so that the two of them can return home together. I definitely want him to find a lady friend as well, who can eventually evolve into a mate. But this man is definitely no easy catch. Once I have him rejoined with Surreal and family definitely all of the family threads. <3

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]