
You Know You Do This Well


08-20-2015, 04:25 PM

Félicien’s forepaw would hit Fate’s right fore chest before the shoulder, connecting with enough force that would leave some moderate bruising. As he brought his leg down Félicien would make an attempt to dig his claws in and scratch his cousin’s chest. Fate seemed to abandon his hold upon Féli’s right upper leg, closer to his shoulder and behind the chest. The other also tried to adjust out of reach, but Félicien managed to get his hold anyway, landing at the base of the middle of the scruff aligned with the spine.

The three legs he stood on balanced his weight, bending at the knees as he brought his remaining leg down. He would not be moved, set solidly in the earth, claws biting the soil, as the smaller male pushed into him. Ears remained pinned against his skull, eyes narrowed into mere slits. Tail was flagged behind his body, lips peeled back and snarling as he sunk in his hold deeper. Shoulders were rolled forward, braced against the attack of his cousin, and muscles were tense. Hackles were raised as well, giving Félicien more of a buffer from any bites on the upper part of his body.

However Fate would not aim high, but rather lower again. This time he attacked the left foreleg, near where his leg met his body. His cousin’s jaws would sink into the delicate bit of flesh where his chest connected with his leg, and Félicien would snarl in response into his cousin’s scruff. The fangs must have sunk in an inch, causing moderate pain and blood to well up from where they punctured.

Tightening his grip on his cousin’s scruff Félicien would hold himself in place, attempting to shake his cousin violently back and forth to tear into the flesh and worsen the punctures that were already there.

Félicien vs Fate for Spar || Round:: II / II

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen