
All This Talk Of Politics



7 Years
08-20-2015, 05:10 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Frith’s arrival was prompt, and Surreal smiled in response to his greeting. ”That’s alright. I’m Surreal Adravendi. My family and I reside in the old Valhallan lands, Vericona Plains.” She didn’t say ‘the old Arcanum lands’; to her, they had been squatters, not worthy of being acknowledged as ever having ruled the lands Surreal had been born and raised on. Her haunches lowered to the ground, both to settle her more comfortably, and to spare him the brunt of her heat scent, tail curling comfortably about her hips. She could smell the newborns now on his coat, and a warm smile softened her features as she added “I believe congratulations are in order if my nose is correct in saying that you and Novella have welcomed new children?” In a matter of fact, since she had been heavily pregnant at the time of the gathering in Redbud Nook that Novellla had held, she could have been congratulated herself.

She continued after a moment, a more businesslike, though no less warm, tone to her voice. “I wanted to alert you and Novella to the fact that I intend to revive Valhalla under a new name, that of Celestial, or Speartha. I’m hoping that when the time comes, Threar will be an ally or, at the very least, will be agreeable to a treatise of Peace; we won’t harm you, if you do us the same honor.” A warm smile parted her jaws as she as mismatched blue and gold gaze caught his similarly hued one. “I intend for this pack to be of the kinder temperament, so you won’t have to worry about us causing you trouble., I assure you.” Nothing but sincerity in her body, eyes and voice as she sat back to await his response. She did hope it would be favorable.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think