
They Called It Chaos


08-20-2015, 06:25 PM

Bernadette would wait, leeting the man come take a bit of the meal for himself. Free meals were not something often given out, but perhaps a bit of kindness here and there could do well. She would not notice how he eyed the kill prior, taking no notice of such suggestions that she might have been trying to poison him. No, Bernadette was not that sort of wolfess anyway. If she wanted you dead she would try by tooth and claw, not underhanded antics.

Ahh one lead by their paws. This particularly phrasing had caught Bernadette’s attention, and she would give a small nod and a smile. “It sounds as it should be, friend.” She would next be bombarded by a couple questions, and Bernadette could not help but chuckle.

“Aye, a foreigner myself I am. Joker, they call me, or Forbidden Salvation, in honor of my mother’s naming.” Never was she to give out her true name to a stranger. “As for the cross, well, all my family have one through my father. A birthmark if you will.” Bernadette would chuckle softly. “Perhaps even a special mark for our family by the gods. Who is to say?”