
The Stick


08-20-2015, 06:35 PM

Nothing huh? Cypress would frown a little, but decide not to push his daughter further. Whatever she and this “Phil” had been planning it seemed to be squashed now that he was here. He would decide instead to put on a smile, ruffling the fur on his daughter’s head gently. “As it should be, my little one. I don’t want you to be doing anything that might get you or uh... Phil hurt.” The silver man would blink, almost surprised as she stood on his leg, looking up at him with excitement.

Wait what was this now? She wanted to go patrolling with him? Before he could even answer the girl would immediately begin to get excited, and Cypress would let out a soft sigh. Oh how could he say no to his little one? Besides, one less body to watch would help his beloved.

“I suppose I am now.” The man would say, swishing his tail thoughtfully back and forth. “Is... Phil coming to? Or will it just be you and me?” Though he wasn’t eager to go on a trip with a damned stick he’d do it for his daughter’s sake.
