
First stop~



7 Years

08-21-2015, 06:36 PM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2015, 03:40 PM by Lillianna.)
rustling thicket

Lillie trailed behind, feeling a little awkward and a little in pain. Why was he even helping her? He wondered why he was helping her; Lillie did the same - it didn't even make sense. She was a stranger to him, a foreigner to Abaven. Why help? Still, she'd keep her mouth shut. There was... no point in arguing. She knew healers, and she knew their stubbornness, and she knew they cared even when they shouldn't, like Shaye. A small smile curved her lips at the thought of Shaye; the other girl was just... so sweet.

Words, foreign, but like music to her ears, softly reached out to her. Ears strained against her cranium, whereas before they were simply relaxed. She, of course, didn't understand them, but she could tell by the voice. Apologetic. The annoyance, the frustration, it dissipated, as if never having been. It wasn't forgotten, but it was clear by the brightening of her eyes before she even spoke that it was forgiven. "I don't even know what you said," she said simply, though a small smile was on her face as she pointed that fact out. "Of course it's forgiven." Of course, she also would bet what he had said that one time wasn't good but... it was true; she did not know his words. Her tail wagged briefly, green eye focused on him. "Thank you. I apologize for...doing whatever I did to annoy you." A slight grin twisted her lips as she spoke; she was thoroughly amused with herself. Despite this amusement, her tone wasn't grudging, or sarcastic; it was sincere, and she meant it. She didn't know what she had done, but that was okay too - although she did wish she knew; she was equally as guilty a party in this, and the knowledge was clear in her very attitude.

Her ears flicked back at his question, though they perked back up at his own interests. She grimaced, slightly, at the mention of Motif; she was not a fan of the woman at the moment, though that would have to wait. She laughed lightly at his last words. "I do the same. I'm a walking disaster," she laughed with him. As if to prove her point, her paw got caught on a stick she didn't see, and she stumbled; barely catching herself before her jaw smashed into the ground. Wincing at the close call, she pushed herself back up, giving Starling a look, one of grievance and understanding... and yes, just a bit of humor. "I generally... well, I was going to be a messenger before all this. I was hoping to, at some point, achieve a diplomatic role in Abaven, in dealing with other packs... but I do not believe that would work very well with these injuries," she admitted, having to take a deep breath before admitting the last bit. Her ears had flattened while she spoke; her eyes studied the vegetation instead of looking at the brown form. Yeah, she wasn't too comfortable right now.

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.