
Shatter Me

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
08-21-2015, 06:51 PM

Bright blue eyes snapped open at the unfamiliar scent that the wind carried past her nostrils.  What… was… this.  Birna got to her feet, shaking out her coat from a lazy summer nap near the border after her finished patrol.  Apparently the rumors of Imperium being ruled by giants wasn't enough to frighten off everyone… she remember her conversation with Esti.  Fools, there were always fools.  The bear woman flexed and stretched a moment for breaking in a run, right for the source of the trespassers scent.  She honed in on it like a missile, eyes focusing on the yearling fae that had walked right across their borders.  Birna held little sympathy for the girl.  She'd escaped a dangerous regime, fought in several battles, and maimed a foolish bitch in a siege all before her second year.  The girl was old enough to understand borders.  Though Birna knew the wolves of this land were painfully soft.  While she would not permanently disfigure the runt she would all to happily put the girl in the dirt.

Birna's defenses were set, her skull and tail aligned with her spine, her chin tucked, neck scrunched back and shoulders rolled forward.  Hackles laced down her back and her limbs were spread about equidistant apart, her weight shifting evenly over them.  Her toes splayed wide, claws tearing into the earth as her jaws parted, the flesh of her brow bunching as her eyes narrowed and her ears pinned to her head.

As she'd been near the border Birna was positioned to the girls left and she would hope to stay there as she attempted to come in low and close the distance between herself and the girl.  Birna attempted to approach from Sora's left side and keep herself lined up perpendicularly just in front of the girls left hip.  Keeping her chin tucked Birna would attempt to bite the tiny girls back, just in front of her hips, seeking to land her upper fangs along the right of the girls spine and her lower fangs along the left with the spine in between her jaws.  She wanted to get a solid grip to put pressure on the spine and possibly crack a few of the little vertebrae to bring her opponent to the ground.  

In addition to her bite Birna attempted to throw the lower front of her left shoulder into the girls left side, just behind the ribs and equidistant between the girls belly and spine.  She hoped to cause severe bruising and maybe make the girl wretch.  As she moved for the shoulder throw her weight would shift to her front left leg and her back legs as her right forepaw would lift as she attempted to bring it down, along with her by far superior weight, crashing onto the girls left hind paw with the intention of severely spraining the toes if not fracturing a few.  Pain was a good teacher.

Birna vs Sora for Dominance
Rd. 1 of ?

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