
In the twilight hour


08-21-2015, 07:12 PM
The female liked the idea of laying out and watching the lightning bugs flutter around the stars, wanting to try it even. It made the man smile, feeling a small bit of pride that somebody liked the relaxing idea. When it came to him bringing up her scent however, she seemed to change and grow uncomfortable, making Spencer immediately regret it, not wanting to upset the vulnerable girl. ”It is okay, I apologise if I upset you by bringing it up.” He responded quickly, wanting to clear up that he wasn't trying to make her feel bad or anything.

She explained it was her first time this has happened, and agreeing that her body had a mind of its own at the moment. So he was right in his assumption, she was very young, only just turning two. Good thing Spencer had been around to find her first, or at least he hoped so. If she was open to it he could give her a bit of advice or at least tips to keep herself safe and away from those unwanted pests looking for a quick bang. Or he could even bring her back so Marina could talk with her about such a topic, seeing as a female would have more to ask and talk about rather than a guy.

Next thing the man knew, Esarosa was asking him to lay with her under the stars. Topic changer, he didn't mind it, as long as it helped her. ”Of course.” He smiled, standing up and strolling over to the young woman. He would take a deep breath before plopping himself down in the grass, sending a cluster of lightning bugs into the air, blinking away. He patted a spot beside him for a moment before laying on his side and rolling onto his back, forelegs folded against his chest and green eyes looking up to the stars with a relaxed sigh.