


04-09-2013, 08:26 PM

She could see nothing, flashes, images of color, little more and nothing less. madness descended upon her like a plague, robbing her of coherent thought, it caged her mind and broke her spirit, it began long ago and now had been renewed, she saw nothing, recognized nothing. She could not remember, she could not see. What she blind, deaf? Perhaps insanity had stolen even the most base of instincts from her. Did she require nourishment or drink? Rest or sleep? She did not know. She could not remember! Her mind was gone, shattered, vanquished. She was dying, her illness would take her. her madness had finally caught up with her, it was claiming its wretched victim. The one it had let linger to long.

The calamity inside her head grew to a fever pitch. Screams of agony, wails of sorrow, cries of retribution and revenge. She didn't know why the screamed, she didn't know what they wanted, her mind was a shattered ruin of broken thoughts and scattered dreams. Memories that were far too foggy to differenciate, they plagued like a scratched record. Repeating themselves again and again and again, but she could not see the images, she could not make out the pictures.

She collapsed among a scent that her brain managed to connect with something familiar. She registered sand beneath her belly and darkness encompassing her vision. Her breathing was labored and heavy, her ribs were pressed against her flesh, invisible to the naked eye thanks to the length of silk she called her fur.Her abdomen was distended and swollen, heavy, now halfway through her term. Her pupils were blown wide, disoriented, vacant. Ghost was not present in that gaze. Her mandible hung limp and open, froth forming at the edges of her lips. Random muscle spasms caught her and she twitched violently, almost seeming to seize. Whines and cries, whimpers against her will left her larynx constantly.

There was something with her, something warm and vaguely she realized they would watch her die... or perhaps they would offer her a strand of pity and end her life themselves. She could take no more and she yearned for her body to shut down.
