
Xephyris vs Cypress



9 Years
08-21-2015, 10:04 PM
A growl erupted from Xephyris as he felt himself crashing into Cypress - as the alter raised up onto hind legs, Xeph's original aim at Cypress' right shoulder had changed, though he was still successful, and with his own right shoulder he struck the underside of the other man's chest, right between both forelegs. He felt Cypress shift backward just slightly, and Xeph shifted his weight to his hind legs again so that he could push forward and keep up his momentum, his tail whirling to help keep his balance. The movement of the other man didn't stop Xeph's jaws from meeting flesh, although the target had shifted from the side of Cy's face to the front of the right foreleg, in the soft skin directly where it met with the front of the chest. His lower jaw met in edge of the armpit and upper jaw struck the frontal bony part of the foreleg where it met with the chest. Upper and lower incisors pinched a good fold of skin, to which he gave a good shake with his head, trying to leave a small tear and good bruising where his teeth had clamped down.

Just then he felt the other man's paws wrap around his neck, and though Xeph didn't release the grip he'd found with his jaws, he shifted his weight back slightly, knees and elbows bending slightly and legs spreading out to hold himself up as the alter's weight came down on him. His tail swept from side to side as he adjusted his weight, toes spreading and claws digging into the ground to support himself. His ears remained folded and muzzle wrinkled up, narrowing his eyes as Cypress aimed his jaws towards Xeph's head. Cy's jaws would meet their mark. He felt teeth strike the top of his head directly in front of his left ear, and teeth hooked just underneath the line of his jaw on the same side, puncturing the skin, shallower under the jaw and slightly deeper on top of his head.

With a rumbling growl, adrenaline surging through him now, Xephyris would shake his head harder, jaws still clamped down on Cy's skin, trying to dislodge the other male from his body. As he thrashed, both of his forelegs would bend significantly, muscles coiling before springing upward, hoping to jar the alter's jaws and get him to release his hold - as he did this, his weight shifted to his hinds (as well as parting his own jaws and releasing his grip on Cypress), and with the hind legs he sprung straight forward, further making an attempt to dislodge his opponent and get out of his grip, hoping to put a little distance between them once more.

Cypress vs Xephyris || Spar || Round:: Two of Two