
No fun in boring



3 Years
Extra large
08-22-2015, 06:43 PM
Roselin smirked to her brother as he questioned her, and all she did in response was shrug a delicate shoulder. She was quiet as she waited, rolling one shoulder and then another as she set her balance as a shoulder width distance. She moved like water, flowing easily into a battle stance, as if she was born to fight despite her delicate appearance. "Now now, brother.." She said softly, lightly, her smirk spreading across her face as she watched a man approach. "You lose the taste of the best, if you don't expose yourself to the worst every once in a while." She practically purred as the man approached, jovial and teasing. His voice was like nails on a chalk board to her, but she smirked anyways, watching him. She had the height on him, but she was thin for her size, seemingly delicate. Her power was in her strike, like a snake that could down an elephant. His words didn't swoon her, because she knew the truth behind them before he even spoke. She'd flex her paws, nails digging into the ground as her head slowly lowered, lips pulling back in a delicious smirk. "The one you shall be fighting today is me..." She shifted, bending her knees slowly and coiling her muscles. Eyes wound narrow slightly as she gazed at him.

"And the only one who's blood shall spill is yours." She hissed before kicking off, eating the some 10 feet between them in a wind breaking speed. Lips curled back to show sharp white canines, ears flowing back as she ran. Her shoulders would push forward, pushing the excess skin along her neck to protect it as her hair rose on end. Her hackles, too, rose, giving her a much more impressive appearance, like a cobra flaring to appear larger. Suddenly she threw on the breaks a foot before him, toes digging in as she skidded, tail flaring out behind her as a rudder, forepaws moving to break as her rear swung around to her right (his left). She snarled as she surged forward on bent hind limbs in her twist, facing his left side. She aimed to ram her broad chest into his left side with aid from her momentum, along the delicate rib cage, shoving her left shoulder forward both a lance and to protect the side of her neck from his jaws. She hoped to ram the bone of her shoulder between two of his ribs, if her thrust hit square where she desired. Chin would tuck before she snarled, aiming with gaping jaws towards his Illium bone (Ref) where his two hip bones met. She hoped for a solid grip, to dig teeth into tender flesh. During this shove and bite combo she would reach with her right forepaw to try and hook under him, aiming to wrap around his right hind leg and tug it from under him in hopes to disrupt his balance. Her own spread evenly to the remaining three limbs.

Ros v Harekr
For spar