
Darkness falls

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-23-2015, 01:46 AM
Shaye was nervous about the new spars Bass had declared for Abaven and having named her one of the healers and which fighters she would reside over. She found an odd buzz of curiosity in her chest, one that had started to flourish ever since Voltage had started the foundation training for spars with her. She was tempted to ask Bass to pair her with a fighter, but... all she knew where the stances, she didn't know how to actually fight yet. So, she quelled her curiosity and instead prepared herbs so she wouldn't be caught out. She especially sought Trillium, well a rare and difficult herb to find it was the only thing she knew to use to clean a bite and truly keep away infection.

So she was herb-hunting when Little Feather got excited, rose off the branch he had been settled on to take to the skies. Shaye would immediately see why when his sister came into view, and the two would do a little dance in the sky as they greeted one another. Shaye instantly realized Arcus had sent Tempest to her and she jumped on the spot in excitement. She hadn't seen him since... well, a time that had been unpleasant for them both. And she had been so worried about him! He hadn't seemed quite right when she had seen him last. He had been so worried about his building storms and emotions, was leaving his family!

She was quick to follow after pest, and Feather stuck to his sister side as the three of them made their way across the land to Arcus. When she saw him, she slowed her pace, and titled his head. He sat on a bed of leaves, haloed by the softening light of the vanishing day, and the red trees that towered above him. More then that, he held in his maw a pretty little white flower. She walked towards him a little more slowly, her tail swinging happily behind her. She couldn't help but think that the entire scene looked a little... romantic, and was sure there was heat in her cheeks. She liked Arcus, but she didn't think he saw her as anything more then a friend, and she was okay with that, she was, because Arcus was her bestest friend. “Arcus” she said happily, coming to a stop before him.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.