
First stop~



7 Years

08-23-2015, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2015, 12:13 PM by Lillianna.)
Sadness flashed through her eyes when he spoke; really? No one really listened to him? That was... not pitying, but really saddening. Why wouldn't they? He proved to be quite intelligent. She'd understand if he wasn't smart or something, but... he had intelligence. He knew what he spoke of. Her tail wagged softly as she gazed at him, heart in her eyes. The sadness dissipated, turning into amusement and gratitude as he continued speaking, and she laughed softly, nodding. "I'm sorry," she said again, easily, a smile still on her face. His own bluntness inspired her to be rather truthful herself, and so she carried on. "Truth be told, I was distracted because of the language you spoke; I'd never heard of anything like it, and so I only heard half of what you were saying in English after that. It sounds beautiful, and my thoughts were on how I'd love to learn it." She snorted again as he went on. "Well.... yeah. I think it's too late to get along with the one that did this, but I'll try not to piss anyone else off." Her own tone mirrored his; a mix of teasing and brutal honesty. The smile slipped as he addressed what she said later, and she winced. "Scars like the ones I'll have would cause someone to be initially mistrustful, instead of just wary. " She shrugged to the rest of the words. "You said to..." she paused, eyes floating to the right as she thought back. "To... eat this kind of berry for... immune system, I believe it was, and this leaf - I can't remember the name - for pain. And that I should flex my jaw so it doesn't heal stiffly. Right?" her words grew more confident as she spoke and remembered, and she finished firmly, eye fixed on the brown form of the elder boy. A thought came to mind, perhaps one that would... have more camaraderie? More companionship? The words escaped her. Either way, she'd say what she was thinking: "What were those names again? You gave a warning, too... don't have too much of something, but I forget what you said that to." So she was sort of listening, okay, only half, but she got more than she honestly thought she would.

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.