- 2 "Kicking forward suddenly, Laufey attempted to close the distance between himself and his opponent" (How much distance is between them? How much reaction time does Miksa have?)
- 3 severe lacerations to jaw
- 1 moderate bruising to left forepaw
Total: 6
Total for Round Two: 39 / 50
45 + 43 = 88 / 100
43 + 39 = 82 / 100
And the winner is...
Miksa must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.
- light bruise to left shoulder - 1 OOC week max to heal fully
- moderate punctures to left shoulder - 2 OOC weeks to heal fully
- slight bruise to left shoulder - 1 OOC week
- Moderate cuts/bruises to left forepaw - 1 OOC week
- severe lacerations to left of jaw, starting at ear to joint. 3-4 OOC weeks to heal completely and requires a healer.
Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):
Excellent spar! The only thing I want to mention is that you should always say how much distance is between yourself and your opponent, if only to give them the correct ammount of reaction time. :)
Great spar! Excellent emotion and psychological responses, amazing outlines of realistic injury as well! What got you was the lack of attacks, though I could tell that ICly Miksa wasn't the most confident sparer. Good job.