
I can't keep track of them all



5 Years
08-23-2015, 03:41 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It looked like she might have surprised the curious female during her inspection of the plants, but she was quick to regain her composure and offer a smile in answer to Callisto's blunt question. Not one for pleasantries, the black and grey healer did not feel any less distrusting and guarded around the wandering individual, though she thought she caught something akin to a pack's scent on her. It was unidentifiable but then again Calli had never truly paid any attention whatsoever to packs and politics. That had always been better left to those who ruled and dealt with those affairs. All she cared about was this wolf potentially harming the plants that she wanted to keep and grow here, and that had nothing to do with allegiances.

The stranger presented herself in a friendly manner, all smiles and politeness, and still the blue-eyed wolf did not express anything but her guarded wariness. It was only when she spoke the magic word - healer - that any sort of reaction could be seen. There was a sudden spark that lit her eyes when she heard the word, understanding then that this wolf truly did have a purpose here in the Fern Gulley. It was the same as hers, an expedition to learn, and though she still felt the possessive notion to get between this wolf and the plants that she had been eyeing Callisto could not fault her for her curiosity. Entering someone's home would likely not have bothered her much either if it meant gaining a new find.

While her brow stayed furrowed and the look on her face distrustful, the rest of her did begin to relax, sensing no harm from this other kindred spirit. All the stranger was interested in were the plants, both of them the same, and she could tell from the friendly disposition and the offer of departing that this individual was too accommodating to cause a stir. "If you're just here for the plants," she stated then paused for just a second, as if she was about to reconsider, but she finished her thought anyway, "then go ahead and look at them. I'm sure I've seen more of them further into the forest." Callisto glanced at the plants then and though it took her a moment to place it without its typical blooms she thought she knew which it was. "That's Marigold," she added with a gesturing motion of her muzzle toward the plant. "Since you were wondering. It's easier to identify when it's in bloom."

OOC: Picked a plant to label as the one Ren was looking at. xD Hopefully that's okay!