
Sanity thrown overboard



9 Years
Athena I
08-23-2015, 03:47 PM

ooc note for myself: set a day or two after the meeting

Leo trotted away from Fiori's borders with a slight bit of purpose. He didn't know exactly where he was heading, but he knew the basics of his goal. He wanted to become more acquainted with the other packs. He knew very little about the packs other than Threar and Sonticus and if his run ins with Varda and Mercy had been any indication the other packs didn't know much about Fiori either. He knew that could be an advantage as much as it was a hindrance. It kept Fiori on the downlow and out of the line of sight of those that might want to do it harm, but it also kept him from setting up friendships with the other packs so his members could learn more things and meet new wolves. Plus, gods forbid, something catastrophic happen there were very few he could count on to help his pack.

He wasn't necessarily in a bad mood, but he could tell he wasn't his usual cheerful self either. The meeting hadn't gone poorly, but the attendance wasn't what he had hoped it would be. It was hard to remind himself that at least four of his members were off on trips at the moment and that sometimes young wolves wandered to explore or find themselves. It was all part of life, but he had expected more.

Suddenly a raindrop smacked his nose and broke him out of his troubled train of thought. His head snapped up and he watched as the clouds above him quickly darkened and turned into a sudden down pour. Curse these summer storms! He frowned and quickly glanced around for any kind of shelter to wait it out and he spotted a small cave-like hole in the side of a hill and he darted toward it. He was sure this storm wouldn't last long so that should do just fine. He ran inside and shook himself to free his russet coat of as much of the rainwater as he could.

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