
Ferns and Flowers



5 Years
08-23-2015, 04:04 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Even as she walked away she still continued to shake her head, half in denial of accepting the space Jakart was offering her inside of his den and half at the absurdity of it. Twice - twice! - she had been offered a den to stay in, both times by males who had made efforts to befriend her and offer assistance when she desperately needed it. And both times the males had meant to draw her in, get her closer, for what she assumed now was all a ploy. Was she really so stupid as to be taken in a second time in the same way that she had been fooled the first? Callisto had always thought herself smart, cunning, capable of seeing through the flashy shows that others put on to cut to the heart of things, but here she was on the cusp of repeating events.

She should have expected it, but the sound of Jak's scrambling movements to catch up to her nearly sent her running as a panic flared up within her. Freezing in place, she turned her head quickly around to fix him with her silvery blue gaze, determined to see what was coming rather than simply wait to find out what he intended. She had not gotten far and it took him only a few strides to reach her, though he did not say anything at first. He looked confused almost, but there was nothing about his expression to suggest that he would force any answers from her. Still wary, standing tensely in place, Callisto waited until he stated he would find sleeping arrangements elsewhere with his brothers.

He gave her no time to react and left almost as soon as the words had left his lips. The black and grey healer turned to watch him make his hurried exit, a little stunned but relieved at the same time. Space. She would have space tonight. And a den all to herself. They were luxuries she felt she had been deprived of for too long, and though she still felt off because of the whole situation that had unfolded she conceded and returned to the den. It still smelled faintly of Jak as she crept inside and curled up toward the back of it, facing the entryway. The sound of small, soft paws caused her ears to perk but it was only the cat. With a single glance into the den, the thin black feline stepped just inside the den before turning to take a seat there at its entrance, a small, dark sentry barring others from getting close. It was silly to think the cat would hold anyone off, but at least there was someone watching over her.

Callisto curled up more tightly on the earthy floor of the den, resting her head on the warm ground, and though it took her a while to slip into slumber she eventually drifted off to sleep.

-Exit Callisto through sleep-