
Sanity thrown overboard



6 Years
Extra large
08-23-2015, 04:42 PM

The stranger was quick to respond, and the Mountainous giant, took a step forward, giving his entire body a mighty heave and his coat rolled side to side in quick movements, throwing off as much rain as it could as he moved into the shelter. He attempted to keep the cascading droplets as close to the exit as possible, he didn't want to soak his new den mate, or dampen the dry spots on the floor. The man would speak again, and Glacier would quickly learn this cave had never belonged to the orange wolf, it had been a quick escape, he was in the exact same position as Glacier. The Titan chuckled softly, moving further into the cave to escape the chill wind and stray droplets that made their way inside. He glanced once behind him, the storm had fully settled in, and the occasional thunder shook the silence, and the darkness would light up with the resulting lightning. “Brr” he muttered to himself, glad to be out of that mess.

He turned his attention back to the deeper parts of the den and the man who occupied them. He easily returned the smile, and dipped his head. “It's a pleasure to meet you Leo, and you have perfect timing. I wouldn't have found this cave if I hasn't seen you slip inside, and I'm Glacier Elementas.” he finished his own introduction before settling into a side of the den, shuffling some grit off the floor with a paw before pacing over the spot and sitting. He had no fear of the stranger, for one, Glacier was beast in size and many didn't see his gentle nature immediately for it, besides, Leo seemed a friendly sort, quick to share a cave with a stranger. “We might be stuck here for a while by the sounds of things. Perhaps we could get to know each other in the meanwhile to pass the time, if you don't mind sharing a few tales with a stranger?” he chuckled softly, nodding his head to see if the other was keen for the idea. He didn't mind going first, but left it open for Leo to start if he was so inclined.
